.. _handling-uuid-data-example: Handling UUID Data ================== PyMongo ships with built-in support for dealing with UUID types. It is straightforward to store native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to MongoDB and retrieve them as native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects:: from pymongo import MongoClient from bson.binary import UuidRepresentation from uuid import uuid4 # use the 'standard' representation for cross-language compatibility. client = MongoClient(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) collection = client.get_database('uuid_db').get_collection('uuid_coll') # remove all documents from collection collection.delete_many({}) # create a native uuid object uuid_obj = uuid4() # save the native uuid object to MongoDB collection.insert_one({'uuid': uuid_obj}) # retrieve the stored uuid object from MongoDB document = collection.find_one({}) # check that the retrieved UUID matches the inserted UUID assert document['uuid'] == uuid_obj Native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects can also be used as part of MongoDB queries:: document = collection.find({'uuid': uuid_obj}) assert document['uuid'] == uuid_obj The above examples illustrate the simplest of use-cases - one where the UUID is generated by, and used in the same application. However, the situation can be significantly more complex when dealing with a MongoDB deployment that contains UUIDs created by other drivers as the Java and CSharp drivers have historically encoded UUIDs using a byte-order that is different from the one used by PyMongo. Applications that require interoperability across these drivers must specify the appropriate :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation`. In the following sections, we describe how drivers have historically differed in their encoding of UUIDs, and how applications can use the :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation` configuration option to maintain cross-language compatibility. .. attention:: New applications that do not share a MongoDB deployment with any other application and that have never stored UUIDs in MongoDB should use the ``standard`` UUID representation for cross-language compatibility. See :ref:`configuring-uuid-representation` for details on how to configure the :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation`. .. _example-legacy-uuid: Legacy Handling of UUID Data ---------------------------- Historically, MongoDB Drivers have used different byte-ordering while serializing UUID types to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary`. Consider, for instance, a UUID with the following canonical textual representation:: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff This UUID would historically be serialized by the Python driver as:: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff The same UUID would historically be serialized by the C# driver as:: 33221100-5544-7766-8899-aabbccddeeff Finally, the same UUID would historically be serialized by the Java driver as:: 77665544-3322-1100-ffee-ddccbbaa9988 .. note:: For in-depth information about the the byte-order historically used by different drivers, see the `Handling of Native UUID Types Specification `_. This difference in the byte-order of UUIDs encoded by different drivers can result in highly unintuitive behavior in some scenarios. We detail two such scenarios in the next sections. Scenario 1: Applications Share a MongoDB Deployment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Consider the following situation: * Application ``C`` written in C# generates a UUID and uses it as the ``_id`` of a document that it proceeds to insert into the ``uuid_test`` collection of the ``example_db`` database. Let's assume that the canonical textual representation of the generated UUID is:: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff * Application ``P`` written in Python attempts to ``find`` the document written by application ``C`` in the following manner:: from uuid import UUID collection = client.example_db.uuid_test result = collection.find_one({'_id': UUID('00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff')}) In this instance, ``result`` will never be the document that was inserted by application ``C`` in the previous step. This is because of the different byte-order used by the C# driver for representing UUIDs as BSON Binary. The following query, on the other hand, will successfully find this document:: result = collection.find_one({'_id': UUID('33221100-5544-7766-8899-aabbccddeeff')}) This example demonstrates how the differing byte-order used by different drivers can hamper interoperability. To workaround this problem, users should configure their ``MongoClient`` with the appropriate :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation` (in this case, ``client`` in application ``P`` can be configured to use the :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY` representation to avoid the unintuitive behavior) as described in :ref:`configuring-uuid-representation`. Scenario 2: Round-Tripping UUIDs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the following examples, we see how using a misconfigured :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation` can cause an application to inadvertently change the :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype, and in some cases, the bytes of the :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` field itself when round-tripping documents containing UUIDs. Consider the following situation:: from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation from uuid import uuid4 # Using UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY stores a Binary subtype-3 UUID python_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY) input_uuid = uuid4() collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=python_opts) collection.insert_one({'_id': 'foo', 'uuid': input_uuid}) assert collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 3)})['_id'] == 'foo' # Retrieving this document using UuidRepresentation.STANDARD returns a Binary instance std_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) std_collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=std_opts) doc = std_collection.find_one({'_id': 'foo'}) assert isinstance(doc['uuid'], Binary) # Round-tripping the retrieved document yields the exact same document std_collection.replace_one({'_id': 'foo'}, doc) round_tripped_doc = collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 3)}) assert doc == round_tripped_doc In this example, round-tripping the document using the incorrect :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation` (``STANDARD`` instead of ``PYTHON_LEGACY``) changes the :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype as a side-effect. **Note that this can also happen when the situation is reversed - i.e. when the original document is written using ``STANDARD`` representation and then round-tripped using the ``PYTHON_LEGACY`` representation.** In the next example, we see the consequences of incorrectly using a representation that modifies byte-order (``CSHARP_LEGACY`` or ``JAVA_LEGACY``) when round-tripping documents:: from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation from uuid import uuid4 # Using UuidRepresentation.STANDARD stores a Binary subtype-4 UUID std_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) input_uuid = uuid4() collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=std_opts) collection.insert_one({'_id': 'baz', 'uuid': input_uuid}) assert collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 4)})['_id'] == 'baz' # Retrieving this document using UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY returns a native UUID # without modifying the UUID byte-order java_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY) java_collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=java_opts) doc = java_collection.find_one({'_id': 'baz'}) assert doc['uuid'] == input_uuid # Round-tripping the retrieved document silently changes the Binary bytes and subtype java_collection.replace_one({'_id': 'baz'}, doc) assert collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 3)}) is None assert collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 4)}) is None round_tripped_doc = collection.find_one({'_id': 'baz'}) assert round_tripped_doc['uuid'] == Binary(input_uuid.bytes, 3).as_uuid(UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY) In this case, using the incorrect :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation` (``JAVA_LEGACY`` instead of ``STANDARD``) changes the :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` bytes and subtype as a side-effect. **Note that this happens when any representation that manipulates byte-order (``CSHARP_LEGACY`` or ``JAVA_LEGACY``) is incorrectly used to round-trip UUIDs written with ``STANDARD``. When the situation is reversed - i.e. when the original document is written using ``CSHARP_LEGACY`` or ``JAVA_LEGACY`` and then round-tripped using ``STANDARD`` - only the :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype is changed.** .. note:: Starting in PyMongo 4.0, these issue will be resolved as the ``STANDARD`` representation will decode Binary subtype 3 fields as :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` objects of subtype 3 (instead of :class:`uuid.UUID`), and each of the ``LEGACY_*`` representations will decode Binary subtype 4 fields to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` objects of subtype 4 (instead of :class:`uuid.UUID`). .. _configuring-uuid-representation: Configuring a UUID Representation --------------------------------- Users can workaround the problems described above by configuring their applications with the appropriate :class:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation`. Configuring the representation modifies PyMongo's behavior while encoding :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to BSON and decoding Binary subtype 3 and 4 fields from BSON. Applications can set the UUID representation in one of the following ways: #. At the ``MongoClient`` level using the ``uuidRepresentation`` URI option, e.g.:: client = MongoClient("mongodb://a:27107/?uuidRepresentation=standard") Valid values are: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - UUID Representation * - ``unspecified`` - :ref:`unspecified-representation-details` * - ``standard`` - :ref:`standard-representation-details` * - ``pythonLegacy`` - :ref:`python-legacy-representation-details` * - ``javaLegacy`` - :ref:`java-legacy-representation-details` * - ``csharpLegacy`` - :ref:`csharp-legacy-representation-details` #. At the ``MongoClient`` level using the ``uuidRepresentation`` kwarg option, e.g.:: from bson.binary import UuidRepresentation client = MongoClient(uuidRepresentation=UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) #. At the ``Database`` or ``Collection`` level by supplying a suitable :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions` instance, e.g.:: from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions csharp_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY) java_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY) # Get database/collection from client with csharpLegacy UUID representation csharp_database = client.get_database('csharp_db', codec_options=csharp_opts) csharp_collection = client.testdb.get_collection('csharp_coll', codec_options=csharp_opts) # Get database/collection from existing database/collection with javaLegacy UUID representation java_database = csharp_database.with_options(codec_options=java_opts) java_collection = csharp_collection.with_options(codec_options=java_opts) Supported UUID Representations ------------------------------ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - UUID Representation - Default? - Encode :class:`uuid.UUID` to - Decode :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 to - Decode :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 to * - :ref:`standard-representation-details` - No - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 - :class:`uuid.UUID` - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 * - :ref:`unspecified-representation-details` - Yes, in PyMongo>=4 - Raise :exc:`ValueError` - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 * - :ref:`python-legacy-representation-details` - No - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 with standard byte-order - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 - :class:`uuid.UUID` * - :ref:`java-legacy-representation-details` - No - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 with Java legacy byte-order - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 - :class:`uuid.UUID` * - :ref:`csharp-legacy-representation-details` - No - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 with C# legacy byte-order - :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 - :class:`uuid.UUID` We now detail the behavior and use-case for each supported UUID representation. .. _unspecified-representation-details: ``UNSPECIFIED`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: Starting in PyMongo 4.0, :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED` is the default UUID representation used by PyMongo. The :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED` representation prevents the incorrect interpretation of UUID bytes by stopping short of automatically converting UUID fields in BSON to native UUID types. Decoding a UUID when using this representation returns a :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` object instead. If required, users can coerce the decoded :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` objects into native UUIDs using the :meth:`~bson.binary.Binary.as_uuid` method and specifying the appropriate representation format. The following example shows what this might look like for a UUID stored by the C# driver:: from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation from uuid import uuid4 # Using UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY csharp_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY) # Store a legacy C#-formatted UUID input_uuid = uuid4() collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=csharp_opts) collection.insert_one({'_id': 'foo', 'uuid': input_uuid}) # Using UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED unspec_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED) unspec_collection = client.testdb.get_collection('test', codec_options=unspec_opts) # UUID fields are decoded as Binary when UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED is configured document = unspec_collection.find_one({'_id': 'foo'}) decoded_field = document['uuid'] assert isinstance(decoded_field, Binary) # Binary.as_uuid() can be used to coerce the decoded value to a native UUID decoded_uuid = decoded_field.as_uuid(UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY) assert decoded_uuid == input_uuid Native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects cannot directly be encoded to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` when the UUID representation is ``UNSPECIFIED`` and attempting to do so will result in an exception:: unspec_collection.insert_one({'_id': 'bar', 'uuid': uuid4()}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot encode native uuid.UUID with UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED. UUIDs can be manually converted to bson.Binary instances using bson.Binary.from_uuid() or a different UuidRepresentation can be configured. See the documentation for UuidRepresentation for more information. Instead, applications using :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED` must explicitly coerce a native UUID using the :meth:`~bson.binary.Binary.from_uuid` method:: explicit_binary = Binary.from_uuid(uuid4(), UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) unspec_collection.insert_one({'_id': 'bar', 'uuid': explicit_binary}) .. _standard-representation-details: ``STANDARD`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: This UUID representation should be used by new applications or applications that are encoding and/or decoding UUIDs in MongoDB for the first time. The :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.STANDARD` representation enables cross-language compatibility by ensuring the same byte-ordering when encoding UUIDs from all drivers. UUIDs written by a driver with this representation configured will be handled correctly by every other provided it is also configured with the ``STANDARD`` representation. ``STANDARD`` encodes native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 4 objects. .. _python-legacy-representation-details: ``PYTHON_LEGACY`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: This uuid representation should be used when reading UUIDs generated by existing applications that use the Python driver but **don't** explicitly set a UUID representation. .. attention:: :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY` was the default uuid representation in PyMongo 3. The :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY` representation corresponds to the legacy representation of UUIDs used by PyMongo. This representation conforms with `RFC 4122 Section 4.1.2 `_. The following example illustrates the use of this representation:: from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation # No configured UUID representation collection = client.python_legacy.get_collection('test', codec_options=DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS) # Using UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY pylegacy_opts = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY) pylegacy_collection = client.python_legacy.get_collection('test', codec_options=pylegacy_opts) # UUIDs written by PyMongo 3 with no UuidRepresentation configured # (or PyMongo 4.0 with PYTHON_LEGACY) can be queried using PYTHON_LEGACY uuid_1 = uuid4() pylegacy_collection.insert_one({'uuid': uuid_1}) document = pylegacy_collection.find_one({'uuid': uuid_1}) ``PYTHON_LEGACY`` encodes native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 objects, preserving the same byte-order as :attr:`~uuid.UUID.bytes`:: from bson.binary import Binary document = collection.find_one({'uuid': Binary(uuid_2.bytes, subtype=3)}) assert document['uuid'] == uuid_2 .. _java-legacy-representation-details: ``JAVA_LEGACY`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: This UUID representation should be used when reading UUIDs written to MongoDB by the legacy applications (i.e. applications that don't use the ``STANDARD`` representation) using the Java driver. The :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY` representation corresponds to the legacy representation of UUIDs used by the MongoDB Java Driver. .. note:: The ``JAVA_LEGACY`` representation reverses the order of bytes 0-7, and bytes 8-15. As an example, consider the same UUID described in :ref:`example-legacy-uuid`. Let us assume that an application used the Java driver without an explicitly specified UUID representation to insert the example UUID ``00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`` into MongoDB. If we try to read this value using ``PYTHON_LEGACY``, we end up with an entirely different UUID:: UUID('77665544-3322-1100-ffee-ddccbbaa9988') However, if we explicitly set the representation to :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY`, we get the correct result:: UUID('00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff') PyMongo uses the specified UUID representation to reorder the BSON bytes and load them correctly. ``JAVA_LEGACY`` encodes native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 objects, while performing the same byte-reordering as the legacy Java driver's UUID to BSON encoder. .. _csharp-legacy-representation-details: ``CSHARP_LEGACY`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: This UUID representation should be used when reading UUIDs written to MongoDB by the legacy applications (i.e. applications that don't use the ``STANDARD`` representation) using the C# driver. The :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY` representation corresponds to the legacy representation of UUIDs used by the MongoDB Java Driver. .. note:: The ``CSHARP_LEGACY`` representation reverses the order of bytes 0-3, bytes 4-5, and bytes 6-7. As an example, consider the same UUID described in :ref:`example-legacy-uuid`. Let us assume that an application used the C# driver without an explicitly specified UUID representation to insert the example UUID ``00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`` into MongoDB. If we try to read this value using PYTHON_LEGACY, we end up with an entirely different UUID:: UUID('33221100-5544-7766-8899-aabbccddeeff') However, if we explicitly set the representation to :data:`~bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY`, we get the correct result:: UUID('00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff') PyMongo uses the specified UUID representation to reorder the BSON bytes and load them correctly. ``CSHARP_LEGACY`` encodes native :class:`uuid.UUID` objects to :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` subtype 3 objects, while performing the same byte-reordering as the legacy C# driver's UUID to BSON encoder.