:mod:`pymongo` -- Python driver for MongoDB =========================================== .. automodule:: pymongo :synopsis: Python driver for MongoDB .. autodata:: version .. data:: MongoClient Alias for :class:`pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient`. .. data:: ReadPreference Alias for :class:`pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference`. .. autofunction:: has_c .. data:: MIN_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION The minimum wire protocol version PyMongo supports. .. data:: MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION The maximum wire protocol version PyMongo supports. Sub-modules: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 bulk change_stream client_options client_session collation collection command_cursor cursor database driver_info encryption encryption_options errors mongo_client monitoring operations pool read_concern read_preferences results server_api server_description topology_description uri_parser write_concern event_loggers