
Changes in Version 4.10.1

Version 4.10.1 is a bug fix release.

  • Fixed a bug where did_upsert() would raise a TypeError.

  • Fixed Binary BSON subtype (9) support on big-endian operating systems (such as zSeries).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.10.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.10.0

  • Added provisional (BETA) support for a new Binary BSON subtype (9) used for efficient storage and retrieval of vectors: densely packed arrays of numbers, all of the same type. This includes new methods from_vector() and as_vector().

  • Added C extension use to client metadata, for example: {"driver": {"name": "PyMongo|c", "version": "4.10.0"}, ...}

  • Fixed a bug where AsyncMongoClient could deadlock.

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo could fail to import on Windows if asyncio is misconfigured.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.10 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.9.0


Driver support for MongoDB 3.6 reached end of life in April 2024. PyMongo 4.9 will be the last release to support MongoDB 3.6.


PyMongo 4.9 refactors a large portion of internal APIs to support the new asynchronous API beta. As a result, versions of Motor older than 3.6 are not compatible with PyMongo 4.9. Existing users of these versions must either upgrade to Motor 3.6 and PyMongo 4.9, or cap their PyMongo version to < 4.9. Any applications that use private APIs may also break as a result of these internal changes.

PyMongo 4.9 brings a number of improvements including:

  • Added support for MongoDB 8.0.

  • Added support for Python 3.13.

  • A new beta asynchronous API with full asyncio support. This new asynchronous API is a work-in-progress that may change during the beta period before the full release.

  • Added support for In-Use Encryption range queries with MongoDB 8.0. Added RANGE. sparsity and trim_factor are now optional in RangeOpts.

  • Added support for the “delegated” option for the KMIP master_key in create_data_key().

  • pymongocrypt>=1.10 is now required for In-Use Encryption support.

  • Added to_list() to Cursor, CommandCursor, AsyncCursor, and AsyncCommandCursor as an asynchronous-friendly alternative to list(cursor).

  • Added bulk_write() to MongoClient and AsyncMongoClient, enabling users to perform insert, update, and delete operations against mixed namespaces in a minimized number of round trips. Please see Client Bulk Write Operations for more information.

  • Added support for the namespace parameter to the InsertOne, ReplaceOne, UpdateOne, UpdateMany, DeleteOne, and DeleteMany operations, so they can be used in the new bulk_write().

  • Added repr() support to bson.tz_util.FixedOffset.

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo would raise InvalidBSON: unhashable type: 'tzfile' when using DATETIME_CLAMP or DATETIME_AUTO with a timezone from dateutil.

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo would raise InvalidBSON: date value out of range when using DATETIME_CLAMP or DATETIME_AUTO with a non-UTC timezone.

  • Added a warning to unclosed MongoClient instances telling users to explicitly close clients when finished with them to avoid leaking resources. For example:

    sys:1: ResourceWarning: Unclosed MongoClient opened at:
        File "/Users/<user>/", line 8, in <module>``
            client = MongoClient()
    Call MongoClient.close() to safely shut down your client and free up resources.
  • The default value for connect in MongoClient is changed to False when running on unction-as-a-service (FaaS) like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions. On some FaaS systems, there is a fork() operation at function startup. By delaying the connection to the first operation, we avoid a deadlock. See Is PyMongo Fork-Safe for more information.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.9 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.8.0


PyMongo 4.8 drops support for Python 3.7 and PyPy 3.8: Python 3.8+ or PyPy 3.9+ is now required.

PyMongo 4.8 brings a number of improvements including:

  • The handshake metadata for “” on Windows has been simplified to “Windows” to improve import time.

  • The repr of bson.binary.Binary is now redacted when the subtype is SENSITIVE_SUBTYPE(8).

  • Secure Software Development Life Cycle automation for release process. GitHub Releases now include a Software Bill of Materials, and signature files corresponding to the distribution files released on PyPI.

  • Fixed a bug in change streams where both startAtOperationTime and resumeToken could be added to a retry attempt, which caused the retry to fail.

  • Fallback to stdlib ssl module when pyopenssl import fails with AttributeError.

  • Improved performance of MongoClient operations, especially when many operations are being run concurrently.

Unavoidable breaking changes

  • Since we are now using hatch as our build backend, we no longer have a usable file and require installation using pip. Attempts to invoke the file will raise an exception. Additionally, pip >= 21.3 is now required for editable installs.

  • We no longer support the srv extra, since dnspython is included as a dependency in PyMongo 4.7+. Instead of pip install pymongo[srv], use pip install pymongo.

  • We no longer support the tls extra, which was only valid for Python 2. Instead of pip install pymongo[tls], use pip install pymongo.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.8 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.7.3

Version 4.7.3 has further fixes for lazily loading modules.

  • Use deferred imports instead of importlib lazy module loading.

  • Improve import time on Windows.

  • Reduce verbosity of “Waiting for suitable server to become available” log message from info to debug.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.7.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.7.2

Version 4.7.2 fixes a bug introduced in 4.7.0:

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo could not be used with the Nuitka compiler.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.7.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.7.1

Version 4.7.1 fixes a bug introduced in 4.7.0:

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo would cause an AttributeError if dns.resolver was imported and referenced after PyMongo was imported.

  • Clarified the behavior of the TOKEN_RESOURCE auth mechanism property for MONGODB-OIDC.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.7.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.7

PyMongo 4.7 brings a number of improvements including:

  • Added support for MONGODB-OIDC authentication. The MONGODB-OIDC mechanism authenticates using an OpenID Connect (OIDC) access token. The driver supports OIDC for workload identity, defined as an identity you assign to a software workload (such as an application, service, script, or container) to authenticate and access other services and resources. Please see Authentication Examples for more information.

  • Added support for Python’s native logging library, enabling developers to customize the verbosity of log messages for their applications. Please see Logging for more information.

  • Significantly improved the performance of encoding BSON documents to JSON.

  • Added support for named KMS providers for client side field level encryption. Previously supported KMS providers were only: aws, azure, gcp, kmip, and local. The KMS provider is now expanded to support name suffixes (e.g. local:myname). Named KMS providers enables more than one of each KMS provider type to be configured. See the docstring for AutoEncryptionOpts. Note that named KMS providers requires pymongocrypt >=1.9 and libmongocrypt >=1.9.

  • Added the pymongo.hello.Hello.connection_id, pymongo.monitoring.CommandStartedEvent.server_connection_id, pymongo.monitoring.CommandSucceededEvent.server_connection_id, and pymongo.monitoring.CommandFailedEvent.server_connection_id properties.

  • Fixed a bug where inflating a RawBSONDocument containing a Code would cause an error.

  • encrypt() and encrypt_expression() now allow key_id to be passed in as a uuid.UUID.

  • Fixed a bug where Int64 instances could not always be encoded by orjson. The following now works:

    >>> import orjson
    >>> from bson import json_util
    >>> orjson.dumps({'a': Int64(1)}, default=json_util.default, option=orjson.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_SUBCLASS)


PyMongo depends on dnspython, which released version 2.6.1 with a fix for CVE-2023-29483. We do not explicitly require that version, but we strongly recommend that you install at least that version in your environment.

Unavoidable breaking changes

  • Replaced usage of bson.son.SON on all internal classes and commands to dict, options.pool_options.metadata is now of type dict as opposed to bson.son.SON. Here’s some examples of how this changes expected output as well as how to convert from dict to bson.son.SON:

    # Before
    >>> from pymongo import MongoClient
    >>> client = MongoClient()
    >>> client.options.pool_options.metadata
    SON([('driver', SON([('name', 'PyMongo'), ('version', '4.7.0.dev0')])), ('os', SON([('type', 'Darwin'), ('name', 'Darwin'), ('architecture', 'arm64'), ('version', '14.3')])), ('platform', 'CPython')])
    # After
    >>> client.options.pool_options.metadata
    {'driver': {'name': 'PyMongo', 'version': '4.7.0.dev0'}, 'os': {'type': 'Darwin', 'name': 'Darwin', 'architecture': 'arm64', 'version': '14.3'}, 'platform': 'CPython'}
    # To convert from dict to SON
    # This will only convert the first layer of the dictionary
    >>> data_as_dict = client.options.pool_options.metadata
    >>> SON(data_as_dict)
    SON([('driver', {'name': 'PyMongo', 'version': '4.7.0.dev0'}), ('os', {'type': 'Darwin', 'name': 'Darwin', 'architecture': 'arm64', 'version': '14.3'}), ('platform', 'CPython')])
    # To convert from dict to SON on a nested dictionary
    >>> def dict_to_SON(data_as_dict: dict[Any, Any]):
    ...     data_as_SON = SON()
    ...     for key, value in data_as_dict.items():
    ...         data_as_SON[key] = dict_to_SON(value) if isinstance(value, dict) else value
    ...     return data_as_SON
    >>> dict_to_SON(data_as_dict)
    SON([('driver', SON([('name', 'PyMongo'), ('version', '4.7.0.dev0')])), ('os', SON([('type', 'Darwin'), ('name', 'Darwin'), ('architecture', 'arm64'), ('version', '14.3')])), ('platform', 'CPython')])
  • PyMongo now uses lazy imports for external dependencies. If you are relying on any kind of monkey-patching of the standard library, you may need to explicitly import those external libraries in addition to pymongo before applying the patch. Note that we test with gevent and eventlet patching, and those continue to work.

  • The “aws” extra now requires minimum version of 1.1.0 for pymongo_auth_aws.

Changes in Version 4.6.3

PyMongo 4.6.3 fixes the following bug:

  • Fixed a potential memory access violation when decoding invalid bson.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.6.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.6.2

PyMongo 4.6.2 fixes the following bug:

  • Fixed a bug appearing in Python 3.12 where “RuntimeError: can’t create new thread at interpreter shutdown” could be written to stderr when a MongoClient’s thread starts as the python interpreter is shutting down.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.6.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.6.1

PyMongo 4.6.1 fixes the following bug:

  • Ensure retryable read OperationFailure errors re-raise exception when 0 or NoneType error code is provided.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.6.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.6

PyMongo 4.6 brings a number of improvements including:

  • Added the serverMonitoringMode URI and keyword argument to MongoClient.

  • Improved client performance and reduced connection requirements in Function-as-a-service (FaaS) environments like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions.

  • Added the pymongo.monitoring.CommandSucceededEvent.database_name property.

  • Added the pymongo.monitoring.CommandFailedEvent.database_name property.

  • Allow passing a dict to sort/create_index/hint.

  • Added repr() support to the write result classes: BulkWriteResult, DeleteResult, InsertManyResult, InsertOneResult, UpdateResult, and RewrapManyDataKeyResult. For example:

    >>> client.t.t.insert_one({})
    InsertOneResult(ObjectId('65319acdd55bb3a27ab5502b'), acknowledged=True)
    >>> client.t.t.insert_many([{} for _ in range(3)])
    InsertManyResult([ObjectId('6532f85e826f2b6125d6ce39'), ObjectId('6532f85e826f2b6125d6ce3a'), ObjectId('6532f85e826f2b6125d6ce3b')], acknowledged=True)
  • parse_uri() now considers the delimiting slash (/) between hosts and connection options optional. For example, “mongodb://” is now a valid URI.

  • Fixed a bug where PyMongo would incorrectly promote all cursors to exhaust cursors when connected to load balanced MongoDB clusters or Serverless clusters.

  • Added the Network Compression documentation page.

  • Added more timeout information to network errors.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.6 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.5

PyMongo 4.5 brings a number of improvements including:


PyMongo no longer supports PyPy3 versions older than 3.8. Users must upgrade to PyPy3.8+.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.5 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.4.1

Version 4.4.1 fixes the following bugs:

  • Fixed a bug where pymongo would raise a ConfigurationError: Invalid SRV host error when connecting to a “mongodb+srv://” URI that included capital letters in the SRV hosts returned from DNS. (PYTHON-3800).

  • Fixed a minor reference counting bug in the C extension (PYTHON-3798).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.4.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.4

PyMongo 4.4 brings a number of improvements including:

  • Added support for MongoDB 7.0.

  • Added support for Python 3.11.

  • Added support for passing a list containing (key, direction) pairs or keys to create_index().

  • Improved bson encoding performance (PYTHON-3717 and PYTHON-3718).

  • Improved support for Pyright to improve typing support for IDEs like Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio.

  • Improved support for type-checking with MyPy “strict” mode (–strict).

  • Added create_encrypted_collection(), EncryptedCollectionError, encrypt_expression(), RangeOpts, and RANGEPREVIEW as part of the experimental Queryable Encryption beta.

  • pymongocrypt 1.6.0 or later is now required for In-Use Encryption support. MongoDB Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the QE protocol. Users taking advantage of the Queryable Encryption beta must now upgrade to MongoDB 7.0+ and PyMongo 4.4+.

  • Previously, PyMongo’s docs recommended using datetime.datetime.utcnow() and datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(). utcnow and utcfromtimestamp are deprecated in Python 3.12, for reasons explained in this Github issue. Instead, users should use and datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tz=timezone.utc)() instead.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.4 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.3.3

Version 4.3.3 documents support for the following:

Bug Fixes

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.3.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.3 (4.3.2)

Note: We withheld uploading tags 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 to PyPI due to a version handling error and a necessary documentation update.

dnspython is now a required dependency. This change makes PyMongo easier to install for use with “mongodb+srv://” connection strings and MongoDB Atlas.

PyMongo 4.3 brings a number of improvements including:

  • Added support for decoding BSON datetimes outside of the range supported by Python’s datetime builtin. See Handling out of range datetimes for examples, as well as bson.datetime_ms.DatetimeMS, bson.codec_options.DatetimeConversion, and bson.codec_options.CodecOptions’s datetime_conversion parameter for more details (PYTHON-1824).

  • PyMongo now resets its locks and other shared state in the child process after a os.fork() to reduce the frequency of deadlocks. Note that deadlocks are still possible because libraries that PyMongo depends like OpenSSL cannot be made fork() safe in multithreaded applications. (PYTHON-2484). For more info see Is PyMongo fork-safe?.

  • When used with MongoDB 6.0+, ChangeStream s now allow for new types of events (such as DDL and C2C replication events) to be recorded with the new parameter show_expanded_events that can be passed to methods such as watch().

  • PyMongo now internally caches AWS credentials that it fetches from AWS endpoints, to avoid rate limitations. The cache is cleared when the credentials expire or an error is encountered.

  • When using the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism with the aws extra, the behavior of credential fetching has changed with pymongo_auth_aws>=1.1.0. Please see Authentication Examples for more information.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where ChangeStream would allow an app to retry calling next() or try_next() even after non-resumable errors (PYTHON-3389).

  • Fixed a bug where the client could be unable to discover the new primary after a simultaneous replica set election and reconfig (PYTHON-2970).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.2


PyMongo 4.2 drops support for Python 3.6: Python 3.7+ is now required.

PyMongo 4.2 brings a number of improvements including:

Bug fixes

Unavoidable breaking changes

  • pymongocrypt 1.3.0 or later is now required for client side field level encryption support.

  • estimated_document_count() now always uses the count command. Due to an oversight in versions 5.0.0-5.0.8 of MongoDB, the count command was not included in V1 of the MongoDB Stable API. Users of the Stable API with estimated_document_count are recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.9+ or set pymongo.server_api.ServerApi.strict to False to avoid encountering errors (PYTHON-3167).

  • Removed generic typing from ClientSession to improve support for Pyright (PYTHON-3283).

  • Added __all__ to the bson, pymongo, and gridfs packages. This could be a breaking change for apps that relied on from bson import * to import APIs not present in __all__ (PYTHON-3311).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.1.1

Version 4.1.1 fixes a number of bugs:

  • Fixed a memory leak bug when calling decode_all() without a codec_options argument (PYTHON-3222).

  • Fixed a bug where decode_all() did not accept codec_options as a keyword argument (PYTHON-3222).

  • Fixed an oversight where type markers (py.typed files) were not included in our release distributions (PYTHON-3214).

  • Fixed a bug where pymongo would raise a “NameError: name sys is not defined” exception when attempting to parse a “mongodb+srv://” URI when the dnspython dependency was not installed (PYTHON-3198).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.1.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.1


PyMongo 4.1 drops support for Python 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, Python 3.6.2+ is now required.

PyMongo 4.1 brings a number of improvements including:

Bug fixes

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 4.0


PyMongo 4.0 drops support for Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5.


PyMongo 4.0 drops support for MongoDB 2.6, 3.0, 3.2, and 3.4.


PyMongo 4.0 changes the default value of the directConnection URI option and keyword argument to MongoClient to False instead of None, allowing for the automatic discovery of replica sets. This means that if you want a direct connection to a single server you must pass directConnection=True as a URI option or keyword argument. For more details, see the relevant section of the PyMongo 4.x migration guide: directConnection defaults to False.

PyMongo 4.0 brings a number of improvements as well as some backward breaking changes. For example, all APIs deprecated in PyMongo 3.X have been removed. Be sure to read the changes listed below and the PyMongo 4 Migration Guide before upgrading from PyMongo 3.x.

Breaking Changes in 4.0

  • Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5. Python 3.6.2+ is now required.

  • The default uuid_representation for CodecOptions, JSONOptions, and MongoClient has been changed from bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY to bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED. Attempting to encode a uuid.UUID instance to BSON or JSON now produces an error by default. See Handling UUID Data for details.

  • Removed the waitQueueMultiple keyword argument to MongoClient and removed pymongo.errors.ExceededMaxWaiters.

  • Removed the socketKeepAlive keyword argument to MongoClient.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.fsync(), pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.unlock(), and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.is_locked.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.database_names().

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_bson_size.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_message_size.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_write_batch_size.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.event_listeners.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_pool_size.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_idle_time_ms.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.local_threshold_ms.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.server_selection_timeout.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_writes.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_reads.

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.eval(), pymongo.database.Database.system_js and pymongo.database.SystemJS.

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.collection_names().

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.current_op().

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.authenticate() and pymongo.database.Database.logout().

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.error(), pymongo.database.Database.last_status(), pymongo.database.Database.previous_error(), pymongo.database.Database.reset_error_history().

  • Removed pymongo.database.Database.add_user() and pymongo.database.Database.remove_user().

  • Removed support for database profiler helpers profiling_level(), set_profiling_level(), and profiling_info(). Instead, users should run the profile command with the command() helper directly.

  • Removed pymongo.OFF, pymongo.SLOW_ONLY, and pymongo.ALL.

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.parallel_scan().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.ensure_index().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.reindex().

  • Removed

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.insert().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.update().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.remove().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.find_and_modify().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.count().

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.initialize_ordered_bulk_op(), pymongo.collection.Collection.initialize_unordered_bulk_op(), and pymongo.bulk.BulkOperationBuilder. Use pymongo.collection.Collection.bulk_write() instead.

  • Removed

  • Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.map_reduce() and pymongo.collection.Collection.inline_map_reduce().

  • Removed the useCursor option for aggregate().

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.close_cursor(). Use pymongo.cursor.Cursor.close() instead.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.kill_cursors().

  • Removed pymongo.cursor_manager.CursorManager and pymongo.cursor_manager.

  • Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.set_cursor_manager().

  • Removed pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count().

  • Removed pymongo.thread_util.

  • Removed MongoReplicaSetClient.

  • Removed IsMaster. Use Hello instead.

  • Removed pymongo.son_manipulator, pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator, pymongo.son_manipulator.ObjectIdInjector, pymongo.son_manipulator.ObjectIdShuffler, pymongo.son_manipulator.AutoReference, pymongo.son_manipulator.NamespaceInjector, pymongo.database.Database.add_son_manipulator(), pymongo.database.Database.outgoing_copying_manipulators, pymongo.database.Database.outgoing_manipulators, pymongo.database.Database.incoming_copying_manipulators, and pymongo.database.Database.incoming_manipulators.

  • Removed the manipulate and modifiers parameters from find(), find_one(), find_raw_batches(), and Cursor().

  • Removed pymongo.message.delete(), pymongo.message.get_more(), pymongo.message.insert(), pymongo.message.kill_cursors(), pymongo.message.query(), and pymongo.message.update().

  • Removed pymongo.errors.NotMasterError. Use pymongo.errors.NotPrimaryError instead.

  • Removed pymongo.errors.CertificateError.

  • Removed pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK.

  • Removed bson.binary.UUIDLegacy.


  • Changed the default JSON encoding representation from legacy to relaxed. The json_mode parameter for bson.json_util.dumps now defaults to RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS.

  • Changed the BSON and JSON decoding behavior of DBRef to match the behavior outlined in the DBRef specification version 1.0. Specifically, PyMongo now only decodes a subdocument into a DBRef if and only if, it contains both $ref and $id fields and the $ref, $id, and $db fields are of the correct type. Otherwise the document is returned as normal. Previously, any subdocument containing a $ref field would be decoded as a DBRef.

  • The “tls” install extra is no longer necessary or supported and will be ignored by pip.

  • The tz_aware argument to JSONOptions now defaults to False instead of True. bson.json_util.loads() now decodes datetime as naive by default. See tz_aware defaults to False for more info.

  • directConnection URI option and keyword argument to MongoClient defaults to False instead of None, allowing for the automatic discovery of replica sets. This means that if you want a direct connection to a single server you must pass directConnection=True as a URI option or keyword argument.

  • The hint option is now required when using min or max queries with find().

  • name is now a required argument for the pymongo.driver_info.DriverInfo class.

  • When providing a “mongodb+srv://” URI to MongoClient constructor you can now use the srvServiceName URI option to specify your own SRV service name.

  • items() now returns a dict_items object rather than a list.

  • Removed bson.son.SON.iteritems().

  • Collection and Database now raises an error upon evaluating as a Boolean, please use the syntax if collection is not None: or if database is not None: as opposed to the previous syntax which was simply if collection: or if database:. You must now explicitly compare with None.

  • MongoClient cannot execute any operations after being closed. The previous behavior would simply reconnect. However, now you must create a new instance.

  • Classes Int64, MinKey, MaxKey, Timestamp, Regex, and DBRef all implement __slots__ now. This means that their attributes are fixed, and new attributes cannot be added to them at runtime.

  • Empty projections (eg {} or []) for find(), and find_one() are passed to the server as-is rather than the previous behavior which substituted in a projection of {"_id": 1}. This means that an empty projection will now return the entire document, not just the "_id" field.

  • MongoClient now raises a ConfigurationError when more than one URI is passed into the hosts argument.

  • MongoClient` now raises an InvalidURI exception when it encounters unescaped percent signs in username and password when parsing MongoDB URIs.

  • Comparing two MongoClient instances now uses a set of immutable properties rather than address which can change.

  • Removed the disable_md5 parameter for GridFSBucket and GridFS. See disable_md5 parameter is removed for details.

  • pymongocrypt 1.2.0 or later is now required for client side field level encryption support.

Notable improvements

  • Enhanced connection pooling to create connections more efficiently and avoid connection storms.

  • Added the maxConnecting URI and MongoClient keyword argument.

  • MongoClient now accepts a URI and keyword argument srvMaxHosts that limits the number of mongos-like hosts a client will connect to. More specifically, when a mongodb+srv:// connection string resolves to more than srvMaxHosts number of hosts, the client will randomly choose a srvMaxHosts sized subset of hosts.

  • Added pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.options for read-only access to a client’s configuration options.

  • Support for the “kmip” KMS provider for client side field level encryption. See the docstring for AutoEncryptionOpts and encryption.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 4.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.13.0

Version 3.13 provides an upgrade path to PyMongo 4.x. Most of the API changes from PyMongo 4.0 have been backported in a backward compatible way, allowing applications to be written against PyMongo >= 3.13, rather then PyMongo 3.x or PyMongo 4.x. See the PyMongo 4 Migration Guide for detailed examples.

Notable improvements

Issues Resolved

PyMongo 3.13 drops support for Python 3.4.

Bug fixes


  • Deprecated map_reduce() and inline_map_reduce(). Use aggregate() instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.event_listeners. Use event_listeners instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_pool_size. Use max_pool_size instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_idle_time_ms. Use max_idle_time_seconds instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.local_threshold_ms. Use local_threshold_ms instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.server_selection_timeout. Use server_selection_timeout instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_writes. Use retry_writes instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_reads. Use retry_reads instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_bson_size, pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_message_size, and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_write_batch_size. These helpers were incorrect when in loadBalanced=true mode and ambiguous in clusters with mixed versions. Use the hello command to get the authoritative value from the remote server instead. Code like this:

    max_bson_size = client.max_bson_size
    max_message_size = client.max_message_size
    max_write_batch_size = client.max_write_batch_size

can be changed to this:

doc = client.admin.command('hello')
max_bson_size = doc['maxBsonObjectSize']
max_message_size = doc['maxMessageSizeBytes']
max_write_batch_size = doc['maxWriteBatchSize']

See the PyMongo 3.13.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.12.3

Issues Resolved

Version 3.12.3 fixes a bug that prevented bson.json_util.loads() from decoding a document with a non-string “$regex” field (PYTHON-3028).

See the PyMongo 3.12.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.12.2

Issues Resolved

Version 3.12.2 fixes a number of bugs:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented PyMongo from retrying bulk writes after a writeConcernError on MongoDB 4.4+ (PYTHON-2984).

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the driver to hang during automatic client side field level encryption (PYTHON-3017).

See the PyMongo 3.12.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.12.1

Issues Resolved

Version 3.12.1 fixes a number of bugs:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a multi-document transaction to fail when the first operation was large bulk write (>48MB) that required splitting a batched write command (PYTHON-2915).

  • Fixed a bug that caused the tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck URI option to be applied incorrectly (PYTHON-2866).

See the PyMongo 3.12.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.12.0


PyMongo 3.12.0 deprecates support for Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5. These Python versions will not be supported by PyMongo 4.


PyMongo now allows insertion of documents with keys that include dots (‘.’) or start with dollar signs (‘$’).

  • pymongocrypt 1.1.0 or later is now required for client side field level encryption support.

  • Iterating over gridfs.grid_file.GridOut now moves through the file line by line instead of chunk by chunk, and does not restart at the top for subsequent iterations on the same object. Call seek(0) to reset the iterator.

Notable improvements

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the driver to deadlock during automatic client side field level encryption (PYTHON-2472).

  • Fixed a potential deadlock when garbage collecting an unclosed exhaust Cursor.

  • Fixed an bug where using gevent.Timeout to timeout an operation could lead to a deadlock.

  • Fixed the following bug with Atlas Data Lake. When closing cursors, pymongo now sends killCursors with the namespace returned the cursor’s initial command response.

  • Fixed a bug in RawBatchCursor that caused it to return an empty bytestring when the cursor contained no results. It now raises StopIteration instead.


  • Deprecated support for Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.

  • Deprecated support for database profiler helpers profiling_level(), set_profiling_level(), and profiling_info(). Instead, users should run the profile command with the command() helper directly.

  • Deprecated NotMasterError. Users should use NotPrimaryError instead.

  • Deprecated IsMaster and ismaster which will be removed in PyMongo 4.0 and are replaced by Hello and hello which provide the same API.

  • Deprecated the pymongo.messeage module.

  • Deprecated the ssl_keyfile and ssl_certfile URI options in favor of tlsCertificateKeyFile (see TLS/SSL and PyMongo).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.12.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.11.3

Issues Resolved

Version 3.11.3 fixes a bug that prevented PyMongo from retrying writes after a writeConcernError on MongoDB 4.4+ (PYTHON-2452)

See the PyMongo 3.11.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.11.2

Issues Resolved

Version 3.11.2 includes a number of bugfixes. Highlights include:

See the PyMongo 3.11.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.11.1

Version 3.11.1 adds support for Python 3.9 and includes a number of bugfixes. Highlights include:

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.11.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.11.0

Version 3.11 adds support for MongoDB 4.4 and includes a number of bug fixes. Highlights include:


  • Deprecated the oplog_replay parameter to pymongo.collection.Collection.find(). Starting in MongoDB 4.4, the server optimizes queries against the oplog collection without requiring the user to set this flag.

  • Deprecated pymongo.collection.Collection.reindex(). Use command() to run the reIndex command instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.fsync(). Use command() to run the fsync command instead.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.unlock(). Use command() to run the fsyncUnlock command instead. See the documentation for more information.

  • Deprecated pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.is_locked. Use command() to run the currentOp command instead. See the documentation for more information.

  • Deprecated bson.binary.UUIDLegacy. Use bson.binary.Binary.from_uuid() instead.

Unavoidable breaking changes:

  • GridFSBucket and GridFS do not support multi-document transactions. Running a GridFS operation in a transaction now always raises the following error: InvalidOperation: GridFS does not support multi-document transactions

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.11.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.10.1

Version 3.10.1 fixes the following issues discovered since the release of 3.10.0:

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.10.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.10.0

Version 3.10 includes a number of improvements and bug fixes. Highlights include:

  • Support for Client-Side Field Level Encryption with MongoDB 4.2. See In-Use Encryption for examples.

  • Support for Python 3.8.

  • Added pymongo.client_session.ClientSession.in_transaction.

  • Do not hold the Topology lock while creating connections in a MongoClient’s background thread. This change fixes a bug where application operations would block while the background thread ensures that all server pools have minPoolSize connections.

  • Fix a UnicodeDecodeError bug when coercing a PyMongoError with a non-ascii error message to unicode on Python 2.

  • Fix an edge case bug where PyMongo could exceed the server’s maxMessageSizeBytes when generating a compressed bulk write command.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.10 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.9.0

Version 3.9 adds support for MongoDB 4.2. Highlights include:

  • Support for MongoDB 4.2 sharded transactions. Sharded transactions have the same API as replica set transactions. See Transactions.

  • New method pymongo.client_session.ClientSession.with_transaction() to support conveniently running a transaction in a session with automatic retries and at-most-once semantics.

  • Initial support for client side field level encryption. See the docstring for MongoClient, AutoEncryptionOpts, and encryption for details. Note: Support for client side encryption is in beta. Backwards-breaking changes may be made before the final release.

  • Added the max_commit_time_ms parameter to start_transaction().

  • Implement the URI options specification in the MongoClient() constructor. Consequently, there are a number of changes in connection options:

    • The tlsInsecure option has been added.

    • The tls option has been added. The older ssl option has been retained as an alias to the new tls option.

    • wTimeout has been deprecated in favor of wTimeoutMS.

    • wTimeoutMS now overrides wTimeout if the user provides both.

    • j has been deprecated in favor of journal.

    • journal now overrides j if the user provides both.

    • ssl_cert_reqs has been deprecated in favor of tlsAllowInvalidCertificates. Instead of ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL and ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, the new option expects a boolean value - True is equivalent to ssl.CERT_NONE, while False is equivalent to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED.

    • ssl_match_hostname has been deprecated in favor of tlsAllowInvalidHostnames.

    • ssl_ca_certs has been deprecated in favor of tlsCAFile.

    • ssl_certfile has been deprecated in favor of tlsCertificateKeyFile.

    • ssl_pem_passphrase has been deprecated in favor of tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword.

    • waitQueueMultiple has been deprecated without replacement. This option was a poor solution for putting an upper bound on queuing since it didn’t affect queuing in other parts of the driver.

  • The retryWrites URI option now defaults to True. Supported write operations that fail with a retryable error will automatically be retried one time, with at-most-once semantics.

  • Support for retryable reads and the retryReads URI option which is enabled by default. See the MongoClient documentation for details. Now that supported operations are retried automatically and transparently, users should consider adjusting any custom retry logic to prevent an application from inadvertently retrying for too long.

  • Support zstandard for wire protocol compression.

  • Support for periodically polling DNS SRV records to update the mongos proxy list without having to change client configuration.

  • New method pymongo.database.Database.aggregate() to support running database level aggregations.

  • Support for publishing Connection Monitoring and Pooling events via the new ConnectionPoolListener class. See monitoring for an example.

  • pymongo.collection.Collection.aggregate() and pymongo.database.Database.aggregate() now support the $merge pipeline stage and use read preference PRIMARY if the $out or $merge pipeline stages are used.

  • Support for specifying a pipeline or document in update_one(), update_many(), find_one_and_update(), UpdateOne(), and UpdateMany().

  • New BSON utility functions encode() and decode()

  • Binary now supports any bytes-like type that implements the buffer protocol.

  • Resume tokens can now be accessed from a ChangeStream cursor using the resume_token attribute.

  • Connections now survive primary step-down when using MongoDB 4.2+. Applications should expect less socket connection turnover during replica set elections.

Unavoidable breaking changes:

  • Applications that use MongoDB with the MMAPv1 storage engine must now explicitly disable retryable writes via the connection string (e.g. MongoClient("mongodb://my.mongodb.cluster/db?retryWrites=false")) or the MongoClient constructor’s keyword argument (e.g. MongoClient("mongodb://my.mongodb.cluster/db", retryWrites=False)) to avoid running into OperationFailure exceptions during write operations. The MMAPv1 storage engine is deprecated and does not support retryable writes which are now turned on by default.

  • In order to ensure that the connectTimeoutMS URI option is honored when connecting to clusters with a mongodb+srv:// connection string, the minimum required version of the optional dnspython dependency has been bumped to 1.16.0. This is a breaking change for applications that use PyMongo’s SRV support with a version of dnspython older than 1.16.0.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.9 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.8.0


PyMongo no longer supports Python 2.6. RHEL 6 users should install Python 2.7 or newer from Red Hat Software Collections. CentOS 6 users should install Python 2.7 or newer from SCL


PyMongo no longer supports PyPy3 versions older than 3.5. Users must upgrade to PyPy3.5+.

  • ObjectId now implements the ObjectID specification version 0.2.

  • For better performance and to better follow the GridFS spec, GridOut now uses a single cursor to read all the chunks in the file. Previously, each chunk in the file was queried individually using find_one().

  • now only checks for extra chunks after reading the entire file. Previously, this method would check for extra chunks on every call.

  • current_op() now always uses the Database’s codec_options when decoding the command response. Previously the codec_options was only used when the MongoDB server version was <= 3.0.

  • Undeprecated get_default_database() and added the default parameter.

  • TLS Renegotiation is now disabled when possible.

  • Custom types can now be directly encoded to, and decoded from MongoDB using the TypeCodec and TypeRegistry APIs. For more information, see the custom type example.

  • Attempting a multi-document transaction on a sharded cluster now raises a ConfigurationError.

  • pymongo.cursor.Cursor.distinct() and pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count() now send the Cursor’s comment() as the “comment” top-level command option instead of “$comment”. Also, note that “comment” must be a string.

  • Add the filter parameter to list_collection_names().

  • Changes can now be requested from a ChangeStream cursor without blocking indefinitely using the new pymongo.change_stream.ChangeStream.try_next() method.

  • Fixed a reference leak bug when splitting a batched write command based on maxWriteBatchSize or the max message size.

  • Deprecated running find queries that set min() and/or max() but do not also set a hint() of which index to use. The find command is expected to require a hint() when using min/max starting in MongoDB 4.2.

  • Documented support for the uuidRepresentation URI option, which has been supported since PyMongo 2.7. Valid values are pythonLegacy (the default), javaLegacy, csharpLegacy and standard. New applications should consider setting this to standard for cross language compatibility.

  • RawBSONDocument now validates that the bson_bytes passed in represent a single bson document. Earlier versions would mistakenly accept multiple bson documents.

  • Iterating over a RawBSONDocument now maintains the same field order of the underlying raw BSON document.

  • Applications can now register a custom server selector. For more information see the server selector example.

  • The connection pool now implements a LIFO policy.

Unavoidable breaking changes:

  • In order to follow the ObjectID Spec version 0.2, an ObjectId’s 3-byte machine identifier and 2-byte process id have been replaced with a single 5-byte random value generated per process. This is a breaking change for any application that attempts to interpret those bytes.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.8 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.7.2

Version 3.7.2 fixes a few issues discovered since the release of 3.7.1.

  • Fixed a bug in retryable writes where a previous command’s “txnNumber” field could be sent leading to incorrect results.

  • Fixed a memory leak of a few bytes on some insert, update, or delete commands when running against MongoDB 3.6+.

  • Fixed a bug that caused pymongo.collection.Collection.ensure_index() to only cache a single index per database.

  • Updated the documentation examples to use pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents() instead of pymongo.collection.Collection.count() and pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count().

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.7.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.7.1

Version 3.7.1 fixes a few issues discovered since the release of 3.7.0.

  • Calling authenticate() more than once with the same credentials results in OperationFailure.

  • Authentication fails when SCRAM-SHA-1 is used to authenticate users with only MONGODB-CR credentials.

  • A millisecond rounding problem when decoding datetimes in the pure Python BSON decoder on 32 bit systems and AWS lambda.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.7.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.7.0

Version 3.7 adds support for MongoDB 4.0. Highlights include:

  • Support for single replica set multi-document ACID transactions. See Transactions.

  • Support for wire protocol compression via the new compressors URI and keyword argument to MongoClient(). See Network Compression for details.

  • Support for Python 3.7.

  • New count methods, count_documents() and estimated_document_count(). count_documents() is always accurate when used with MongoDB 3.6+, or when used with older standalone or replica set deployments. With older sharded clusters is it always accurate when used with Primary read preference. It can also be used in a transaction, unlike the now deprecated pymongo.collection.Collection.count() and pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count() methods.

  • Support for watching changes on all collections in a database using the new method.

  • Support for watching changes on all collections in all databases using the new method.

  • Support for watching changes starting at a user provided timestamp using the new start_at_operation_time parameter for the watch() helpers.

  • Better support for using PyMongo in a FIPS 140-2 environment. Specifically, the following features and changes allow PyMongo to function when MD5 support is disabled in OpenSSL by the FIPS Object Module:

  • The list_collection_names() and collection_names() methods use the nameOnly option when supported by MongoDB.

  • The method now returns an instance of the CollectionChangeStream class which is a subclass of ChangeStream.

  • SCRAM client and server keys are cached for improved performance, following RFC 5802.

  • If not specified, the authSource for the PLAIN authentication mechanism defaults to $external.

  • wtimeoutMS is once again supported as a URI option.

  • When using unacknowledged write concern and connected to MongoDB server version 3.6 or greater, the bypass_document_validation option is now supported in the following write helpers: insert_one(), replace_one(), update_one(), update_many().


  • Deprecated pymongo.collection.Collection.count() and pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count(). These two methods use the count command and may or may not be accurate, depending on the options used and connected MongoDB topology. Use count_documents() instead.

  • Deprecated the snapshot option of find() and find_one(). The option was deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 and removed in MongoDB 4.0.

  • Deprecated the max_scan option of find() and find_one(). The option was deprecated in MongoDB 4.0. Use maxTimeMS instead.

  • Deprecated close_cursor(). Use close() instead.

  • Deprecated database_names(). Use list_database_names() instead.

  • Deprecated collection_names(). Use list_collection_names() instead.

  • Deprecated parallel_scan(). MongoDB 4.2 will remove the parallelCollectionScan command.

Unavoidable breaking changes:

  • Commands that fail with server error codes 10107, 13435, 13436, 11600, 11602, 189, 91 (NotMaster, NotMasterNoSlaveOk, NotMasterOrSecondary, InterruptedAtShutdown, InterruptedDueToReplStateChange, PrimarySteppedDown, ShutdownInProgress respectively) now always raise NotMasterError instead of OperationFailure.

  • parallel_scan() no longer uses an implicit session. Explicit sessions are still supported.

  • Unacknowledged writes (w=0) with an explicit session parameter now raise a client side error. Since PyMongo does not wait for a response for an unacknowledged write, two unacknowledged writes run serially by the client may be executed simultaneously on the server. However, the server requires a single session must not be used simultaneously by more than one operation. Therefore explicit sessions cannot support unacknowledged writes. Unacknowledged writes without a session parameter are still supported.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.7 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.6.1

Version 3.6.1 fixes bugs reported since the release of 3.6.0:

  • Fix regression in PyMongo 3.5.0 that causes idle sockets to be closed almost instantly when maxIdleTimeMS is set. Idle sockets are now closed after maxIdleTimeMS milliseconds.

  • pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_idle_time_ms now returns milliseconds instead of seconds.

  • Properly import and use the monotonic library for monotonic time when it is installed.

  • aggregate() now ignores the batchSize argument when running a pipeline with a $out stage.

  • Always send handshake metadata for new connections.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.6.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.6.0

Version 3.6 adds support for MongoDB 3.6, drops support for CPython 3.3 (PyPy3 is still supported), and drops support for MongoDB versions older than 2.6. If connecting to a MongoDB 2.4 server or older, PyMongo now throws a ConfigurationError.

Highlights include:


  • The useCursor option for aggregate() is deprecated. The option was only necessary when upgrading from MongoDB 2.4 to MongoDB 2.6. MongoDB 2.4 is no longer supported.

  • The add_user() and remove_user() methods are deprecated. See the method docstrings for alternatives.

Unavoidable breaking changes:

  • Starting in MongoDB 3.6, the deprecated methods authenticate() and logout() now invalidate all cursors created prior. Instead of using these methods to change credentials, pass credentials for one user to the MongoClient at construction time, and either grant access to several databases to one user account, or use a distinct client object for each user.

  • BSON binary subtype 4 is decoded using RFC-4122 byte order regardless of the UUID representation. This is a change in behavior for applications that use UUID representation bson.binary.JAVA_LEGACY or bson.binary.CSHARP_LEGACY to decode BSON binary subtype 4. Other UUID representations, bson.binary.PYTHON_LEGACY (the default) and bson.binary.STANDARD, and the decoding of BSON binary subtype 3 are unchanged.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.6 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.5.1

Version 3.5.1 fixes bugs reported since the release of 3.5.0:

  • Work around socket.getsockopt issue with NetBSD.

  • pymongo.command_cursor.CommandCursor.close() now closes the cursor synchronously instead of deferring to a background thread.

  • Fix documentation build warnings with Sphinx 1.6.x.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.5.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.5

Version 3.5 implements a number of improvements and bug fixes:

Highlights include:

Changes and Deprecations:

  • find() has new options return_key, show_record_id, snapshot, hint, max_time_ms, max_scan, min, max, and comment. Deprecated the option modifiers.

  • Deprecated group(). The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4 and is expected to be removed in MongoDB 3.6. Applications should use aggregate() with the $group pipeline stage instead.

  • Deprecated authenticate(). Authenticating multiple users conflicts with support for logical sessions in MongoDB 3.6. To authenticate as multiple users, create multiple instances of MongoClient.

  • Deprecated eval(). The eval command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.0 and will be removed in a future server version.

  • Deprecated SystemJS.

  • Deprecated get_default_database(). Applications should use get_database() without the `name` parameter instead.

  • Deprecated the MongoClient option socketKeepAlive`. It now defaults to true and disabling it is not recommended, see does TCP keepalive time affect MongoDB Deployments?

  • Deprecated initialize_ordered_bulk_op(), initialize_unordered_bulk_op(), and BulkOperationBuilder. Use bulk_write() instead.


  • If a custom CodecOptions is passed to RawBSONDocument, its document_class` must be RawBSONDocument.

  • list_indexes() no longer raises OperationFailure when the collection (or database) does not exist on MongoDB >= 3.0. Instead, it returns an empty CommandCursor to make the behavior consistent across all MongoDB versions.

  • In Python 3, loads() now automatically decodes JSON $binary with a subtype of 0 into bytes instead of Binary. See the Python 3 FAQ for more details.

  • loads() now raises TypeError or ValueError when parsing JSON type wrappers with values of the wrong type or any extra keys.

  • pymongo.cursor.Cursor.close() and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.close() now kill cursors synchronously instead of deferring to a background thread.

  • parse_uri() now returns the original value of the readPreference MongoDB URI option instead of the validated read preference mode.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.5 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.4

Version 3.4 implements the new server features introduced in MongoDB 3.4 and a whole lot more:

Highlights include:

  • Complete support for MongoDB 3.4:

  • Improved support for logging server discovery and monitoring events. See monitoring for examples.

  • Support for matching iPAddress subjectAltName values for TLS certificate verification.

  • TLS compression is now explicitly disabled when possible.

  • The Server Name Indication (SNI) TLS extension is used when possible.

  • Finer control over JSON encoding/decoding with JSONOptions.

  • Allow Code objects to have a scope of None, signifying no scope. Also allow encoding Code objects with an empty scope (i.e. {}).


Starting in PyMongo 3.4, bson.code.Code.scope may return None, as the default scope is None instead of {}.


PyMongo 3.4+ attempts to create sockets non-inheritable when possible (i.e. it sets the close-on-exec flag on socket file descriptors). Support is limited to a subset of POSIX operating systems (not including Windows) and the flag usually cannot be set in a single atomic operation. CPython 3.4+ implements PEP 446, creating all file descriptors non-inheritable by default. Users that require this behavior are encouraged to upgrade to CPython 3.4+.

Since 3.4rc0, the max staleness option has been renamed from maxStalenessMS to maxStalenessSeconds, its smallest value has changed from twice heartbeatFrequencyMS to 90 seconds, and its default value has changed from None or 0 to -1.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.4 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.3.1

Version 3.3.1 fixes a memory leak when decoding elements inside of a RawBSONDocument.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.3.1 release notes in Jira for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.3

Version 3.3 adds the following major new features:

  • C extensions support on big endian systems.

  • Kerberos authentication support on Windows using WinKerberos.

  • A new ssl_clrfile option to support certificate revocation lists.

  • A new ssl_pem_passphrase option to support encrypted key files.

  • Support for publishing server discovery and monitoring events. See monitoring for details.

  • New connection pool options minPoolSize and maxIdleTimeMS.

  • New heartbeatFrequencyMS option controls the rate at which background monitoring threads re-check servers. Default is once every 10 seconds.


PyMongo 3.3 drops support for MongoDB versions older than 2.4. It also drops support for python 3.2 (pypy3 continues to be supported).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.2.2

Version 3.2.2 fixes a few issues reported since the release of 3.2.1, including a fix for using the connect option in the MongoDB URI and support for setting the batch size for a query to 1 when using MongoDB 3.2+.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.2.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.2.1

Version 3.2.1 fixes a few issues reported since the release of 3.2, including running the mapreduce command twice when calling the inline_map_reduce() method and a TypeError being raised when calling download_to_stream(). This release also improves error messaging around BSON decoding.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.2.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.2

Version 3.2 implements the new server features introduced in MongoDB 3.2.

Highlights include:


Certain MongoClient properties now block until a connection is established or raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError if no server is available. See MongoClient for details.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.1.1

Version 3.1.1 fixes a few issues reported since the release of 3.1, including a regression in error handling for oversize command documents and interrupt handling issues in the C extensions.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.1.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.1

Version 3.1 implements a few new features and fixes bugs reported since the release of 3.0.3.

Highlights include:

  • Command monitoring support. See monitoring for details.

  • Configurable error handling for UnicodeDecodeError. See the unicode_decode_error_handler option of CodecOptions.

  • Optional automatic timezone conversion when decoding BSON datetime. See the tzinfo option of CodecOptions.

  • An implementation of GridFSBucket from the new GridFS spec.

  • Compliance with the new Connection String spec.

  • Reduced idle CPU usage in Python 2.

Changes in internal classes

The private PeriodicExecutor class no longer takes a condition_class option, and the private thread_util.Event class is removed.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.3 fixes issues reported since the release of 3.0.2, including a feature breaking bug in the GSSAPI implementation.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.0.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.0.2

Version 3.0.2 fixes issues reported since the release of 3.0.1, most importantly a bug that could route operations to replica set members that are not in primary or secondary state when using PrimaryPreferred or Nearest. It is a recommended upgrade for all users of PyMongo 3.0.x.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.0.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.0.1

Version 3.0.1 fixes issues reported since the release of 3.0, most importantly a bug in GridFS.delete that could prevent file chunks from actually being deleted.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.0.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 3.0

PyMongo 3.0 is a partial rewrite of PyMongo bringing a large number of improvements:

  • A unified client class. MongoClient is the one and only client class for connecting to a standalone mongod, replica set, or sharded cluster. Migrating from a standalone, to a replica set, to a sharded cluster can be accomplished with only a simple URI change.

  • MongoClient is much more responsive to configuration changes in your MongoDB deployment. All connected servers are monitored in a non-blocking manner. Slow to respond or down servers no longer block server discovery, reducing application startup time and time to respond to new or reconfigured servers and replica set failovers.

  • A unified CRUD API. All official MongoDB drivers now implement a standard CRUD API allowing polyglot developers to move from language to language with ease.

  • Single source support for Python 2.x and 3.x. PyMongo no longer relies on 2to3 to support Python 3.

  • A rewritten pure Python BSON implementation, improving performance with pypy and cpython deployments without support for C extensions.

  • Better support for greenlet based async frameworks including eventlet.

  • Immutable client, database, and collection classes, avoiding a host of thread safety issues in client applications.

PyMongo 3.0 brings a large number of API changes. Be sure to read the changes listed below before upgrading from PyMongo 2.x.


PyMongo no longer supports Python 2.4, 2.5, or 3.1. If you must use PyMongo with these versions of Python the 2.x branch of PyMongo will be minimally supported for some time.

SONManipulator changes

The SONManipulator API has limitations as a technique for transforming your data. Instead, it is more flexible and straightforward to transform outgoing documents in your own code before passing them to PyMongo, and transform incoming documents after receiving them from PyMongo.

Thus the add_son_manipulator() method is deprecated. PyMongo 3’s new CRUD API does not apply SON manipulators to documents passed to bulk_write(), insert_one(), insert_many(), update_one(), or update_many(). SON manipulators are not applied to documents returned by the new methods find_one_and_delete(), find_one_and_replace(), and find_one_and_update().

SSL/TLS changes

When ssl is True the ssl_cert_reqs option now defaults to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if not provided. PyMongo will attempt to load OS provided CA certificates to verify the server, raising ConfigurationError if it cannot.

Gevent Support

In previous versions, PyMongo supported Gevent in two modes: you could call gevent.monkey.patch_socket() and pass use_greenlets=True to MongoClient, or you could simply call gevent.monkey.patch_all() and omit the use_greenlets argument.

In PyMongo 3.0, the use_greenlets option is gone. To use PyMongo with Gevent simply call gevent.monkey.patch_all().

For more information, see PyMongo’s Gevent documentation.

MongoClient changes

MongoClient is now the one and only client class for a standalone server, mongos, or replica set. It includes the functionality that had been split into MongoReplicaSetClient: it can connect to a replica set, discover all its members, and monitor the set for stepdowns, elections, and reconfigs. MongoClient now also supports the full ReadPreference API.

The obsolete classes MasterSlaveConnection, Connection, and ReplicaSetConnection are removed.

The MongoClient constructor no longer blocks while connecting to the server or servers, and it no longer raises ConnectionFailure if they are unavailable, nor ConfigurationError if the user’s credentials are wrong. Instead, the constructor returns immediately and launches the connection process on background threads. The connect option is added to control whether these threads are started immediately, or when the client is first used.

Therefore the alive method is removed since it no longer provides meaningful information; even if the client is disconnected, it may discover a server in time to fulfill the next operation.

In PyMongo 2.x, MongoClient accepted a list of standalone MongoDB servers and used the first it could connect to:

MongoClient(['', ''])

A list of multiple standalones is no longer supported; if multiple servers are listed they must be members of the same replica set, or mongoses in the same sharded cluster.

The behavior for a list of mongoses is changed from “high availability” to “load balancing”. Before, the client connected to the lowest-latency mongos in the list, and used it until a network error prompted it to re-evaluate all mongoses’ latencies and reconnect to one of them. In PyMongo 3, the client monitors its network latency to all the mongoses continuously, and distributes operations evenly among those with the lowest latency. See mongos Load Balancing for more information.

The client methods start_request, in_request, and end_request are removed, and so is the auto_start_request option. Requests were designed to make read-your-writes consistency more likely with the w=0 write concern. Additionally, a thread in a request used the same member for all secondary reads in a replica set. To ensure read-your-writes consistency in PyMongo 3.0, do not override the default write concern with w=0, and do not override the default read preference of PRIMARY.

Support for the slaveOk (or slave_okay), safe, and network_timeout options has been removed. Use SECONDARY_PREFERRED instead of slave_okay. Accept the default write concern, acknowledged writes, instead of setting safe=True. Use socketTimeoutMS in place of network_timeout (note that network_timeout was in seconds, where as socketTimeoutMS is milliseconds).

The max_pool_size option has been removed. It is replaced by the maxPoolSize MongoDB URI option. maxPoolSize is now a supported URI option in PyMongo and can be passed as a keyword argument.

The copy_database method is removed, see the copy_database examples for alternatives.

The disconnect method is removed. Use close() instead.

The get_document_class method is removed. Use codec_options instead.

The get_lasterror_options, set_lasterror_options, and unset_lasterror_options methods are removed. Write concern options can be passed to MongoClient as keyword arguments or MongoDB URI options.

The get_database() method is added for getting a Database instance with its options configured differently than the MongoClient’s.

The following read-only attributes have been added:

The following attributes are now read-only:

The following attributes have been removed:

The following attributes have been renamed:

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms is now local_threshold_ms and is now read-only.

Cursor changes

The conn_id property is renamed to address.

Cursor management changes

CursorManager and set_cursor_manager() are no longer deprecated. If you subclass CursorManager your implementation of close() must now take a second parameter, address. The BatchCursorManager class is removed.

The second parameter to close_cursor() is renamed from _conn_id to address. kill_cursors() now accepts an address parameter.

Database changes

The connection property is renamed to client.

The following read-only attributes have been added:

The following attributes are now read-only:

Use get_database() for getting a Database instance with its options configured differently than the MongoClient’s.

The following attributes have been removed:

  • safe

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • slave_okay

  • tag_sets

The following methods have been added:

The following methods have been changed:

  • command(). Support for as_class, uuid_subtype, tag_sets, and secondary_acceptable_latency_ms have been removed. You can instead pass an instance of CodecOptions as codec_options and an instance of a read preference class from read_preferences as read_preference. The fields and compile_re options are also removed. The fields options was undocumented and never really worked. Regular expressions are always decoded to Regex.

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • add_son_manipulator()

The following methods have been removed:

The get_lasterror_options, set_lasterror_options, and unset_lasterror_options methods have been removed. Use WriteConcern with get_database() instead.

Collection changes

The following read-only attributes have been added:

The following attributes are now read-only:

Use get_collection() or with_options() for getting a Collection instance with its options configured differently than the Database’s.

The following attributes have been removed:

  • safe

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • slave_okay

  • tag_sets

The following methods have been added:

The following methods have changed:

  • aggregate() now always returns an instance of CommandCursor. See the documentation for all options.

  • count() now optionally takes a filter argument, as well as other options supported by the count command.

  • distinct() now optionally takes a filter argument.

  • create_index() no longer caches indexes, therefore the cache_for parameter has been removed. It also no longer supports the bucket_size and drop_dups aliases for bucketSize and dropDups.

The following methods are deprecated:

  • save()

  • insert()

  • update()

  • remove()

  • find_and_modify()

  • ensure_index()

The following methods have been removed:

The get_lasterror_options, set_lasterror_options, and unset_lasterror_options methods have been removed. Use WriteConcern with with_options() instead.

Changes to find() and find_one()

The following find/find_one options have been renamed:

These renames only affect your code if you passed these as keyword arguments, like find(fields=[‘fieldname’]). If you passed only positional parameters these changes are not significant for your application.

  • spec -> filter

  • fields -> projection

  • partial -> allow_partial_results

The following find/find_one options have been added:

  • cursor_type (see CursorType for values)

  • oplog_replay

  • modifiers

The following find/find_one options have been removed:

  • network_timeout (use max_time_ms() instead)

  • slave_okay (use one of the read preference classes from read_preferences and with_options() instead)

  • read_preference (use with_options() instead)

  • tag_sets (use one of the read preference classes from read_preferences and with_options() instead)

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms (use the localThresholdMS URI option instead)

  • max_scan (use the new modifiers option instead)

  • snapshot (use the new modifiers option instead)

  • tailable (use the new cursor_type option instead)

  • await_data (use the new cursor_type option instead)

  • exhaust (use the new cursor_type option instead)

  • as_class (use with_options() with CodecOptions instead)

  • compile_re (BSON regular expressions are always decoded to Regex)

The following find/find_one options are deprecated:

  • manipulate

The following renames need special handling.

  • timeout -> no_cursor_timeout - The default for timeout was True. The default for no_cursor_timeout is False. If you were previously passing False for t`imeout you must pass True for no_cursor_timeout to keep the previous behavior.

errors changes

The exception classes UnsupportedOption and TimeoutError are deleted.

gridfs changes

Since PyMongo 1.6, methods open and close of GridFS raised an UnsupportedAPI exception, as did the entire GridFile class. The unsupported methods, the class, and the exception are all deleted.

bson changes

The compile_re option is removed from all methods that accepted it in bson and json_util. Additionally, it is removed from find(), find_one(), aggregate(), command(), and so on. PyMongo now always represents BSON regular expressions as Regex objects. This prevents errors for incompatible patterns, see PYTHON-500. Use try_compile() to attempt to convert from a BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object.

PyMongo now decodes the int64 BSON type to Int64, a trivial wrapper around long (in python 2.x) or int (in python 3.x). This allows BSON int64 to be round tripped without losing type information in python 3. Note that if you store a python long (or a python int larger than 4 bytes) it will be returned from PyMongo as Int64.

The as_class, tz_aware, and uuid_subtype options are removed from all BSON encoding and decoding methods. Use CodecOptions to configure these options. The APIs affected are:

This is a breaking change for any application that uses the BSON API directly and changes any of the named parameter defaults. No changes are required for applications that use the default values for these options. The behavior remains the same.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 3.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9.5

Version 2.9.5 works around ssl module deprecations in Python 3.6, and expected future ssl module deprecations. It also fixes bugs found since the release of 2.9.4.

  • Use ssl.SSLContext and ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT when available.

  • Fixed a C extensions build issue when the interpreter was built with -std=c99

  • Fixed various build issues with MinGW32.

  • Fixed a write concern bug in add_user() and remove_user() when connected to MongoDB 3.2+

  • Fixed various test failures related to changes in gevent, MongoDB, and our CI test environment.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9.5 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9.4

Version 2.9.4 fixes issues reported since the release of 2.9.3.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9.4 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9.3

Version 2.9.3 fixes a few issues reported since the release of 2.9.2 including thread safety issues in ensure_index(), drop_index(), and drop_indexes().

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9.2

Version 2.9.2 restores Python 3.1 support, which was broken in PyMongo 2.8. It improves an error message when decoding BSON as well as fixes a couple other issues including aggregate() ignoring codec_options and command() raising a superfluous DeprecationWarning.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9.1

Version 2.9.1 fixes two interrupt handling issues in the C extensions and adapts a test case for a behavior change in MongoDB 3.2.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.9

Version 2.9 provides an upgrade path to PyMongo 3.x. Most of the API changes from PyMongo 3.0 have been backported in a backward compatible way, allowing applications to be written against PyMongo >= 2.9, rather then PyMongo 2.x or PyMongo 3.x. See the PyMongo 3 Migration Guide for detailed examples.


There are a number of new deprecations in this release for features that were removed in PyMongo 3.0.

  • host

  • port

  • use_greenlets

  • document_class

  • tz_aware

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • tag_sets

  • uuid_subtype

  • disconnect()

  • alive()

  • use_greenlets

  • document_class

  • tz_aware

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • tag_sets

  • uuid_subtype

  • alive()

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • tag_sets

  • uuid_subtype

  • secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

  • tag_sets

  • uuid_subtype


In previous versions of PyMongo, changing the value of document_class changed the behavior of all existing instances of Collection:

>>> coll = client.test.test
>>> coll.find_one()
{u'_id': ObjectId('5579dc7cfba5220cc14d9a18')}
>>> from bson.son import SON
>>> client.document_class = SON
>>> coll.find_one()
SON([(u'_id', ObjectId('5579dc7cfba5220cc14d9a18'))])

The document_class setting is now configurable at the client, database, collection, and per-operation level. This required breaking the existing behavior. To change the document class per operation in a forward compatible way use with_options():

>>> coll.find_one()
{u'_id': ObjectId('5579dc7cfba5220cc14d9a18')}
>>> from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions
>>> coll.with_options(CodecOptions(SON)).find_one()
SON([(u'_id', ObjectId('5579dc7cfba5220cc14d9a18'))])

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.9 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.8.1

Version 2.8.1 fixes a number of issues reported since the release of PyMongo 2.8. It is a recommended upgrade for all users of PyMongo 2.x.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.8.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.8

Version 2.8 is a major release that provides full support for MongoDB 3.0 and fixes a number of bugs.

Special thanks to Don Mitchell, Ximing, Can Zhang, Sergey Azovskov, and Heewa Barfchin for their contributions to this release.

Highlights include:

  • Support for the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism (new in MongoDB 3.0).

  • JSON decoder support for the new $numberLong and $undefined types.

  • JSON decoder support for the $date type as an ISO-8601 string.

  • Support passing an index name to hint().

  • The count() method will use a hint if one has been provided through hint().

  • A new socketKeepAlive option for the connection pool.

  • New generator based BSON decode functions, decode_iter() and decode_file_iter().

  • Internal changes to support alternative storage engines like wiredtiger.


There are a number of deprecations in this release for features that will be removed in PyMongo 3.0. These include:

  • start_request()

  • in_request()

  • end_request()

  • copy_database()

  • error()

  • last_status()

  • previous_error()

  • reset_error_history()

  • MasterSlaveConnection

The JSON format for Timestamp has changed from ‘{“t”: <int>, “i”: <int>}’ to ‘{“$timestamp”: {“t”: <int>, “i”: <int>}}’. This new format will be decoded to an instance of Timestamp. The old format will continue to be decoded to a python dict as before. Encoding to the old format is no longer supported as it was never correct and loses type information.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.8 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.7.2

Version 2.7.2 includes fixes for upsert reporting in the bulk API for MongoDB versions previous to 2.6, a regression in how son manipulators are applied in insert(), a few obscure connection pool semaphore leaks, and a few other minor issues. See the list of issues resolved for full details.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.7.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.7.1

Version 2.7.1 fixes a number of issues reported since the release of 2.7, most importantly a fix for creating indexes and manipulating users through mongos versions older than 2.4.0.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.7.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.7

PyMongo 2.7 is a major release with a large number of new features and bug fixes. Highlights include:

Breaking changes

Version 2.7 drops support for replica sets running MongoDB versions older than 1.6.2.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.7 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.6.3

Version 2.6.3 fixes issues reported since the release of 2.6.2, most importantly a semaphore leak when a connection to the server fails.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.6.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.6.2

Version 2.6.2 fixes a TypeError problem when max_pool_size=None is used in Python 3.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.6.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.6.1

Version 2.6.1 fixes a reference leak in the insert() method.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.6.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.6

Version 2.6 includes some frequently requested improvements and adds support for some early MongoDB 2.6 features.

Special thanks go to Justin Patrin for his work on the connection pool in this release.

Important new features:

  • The max_pool_size option for MongoClient and MongoReplicaSetClient now actually caps the number of sockets the pool will open concurrently. Once the pool has reaches max_pool_size operations will block waiting for a socket to become available. If waitQueueTimeoutMS is set, an operation that blocks waiting for a socket will raise ConnectionFailure after the timeout. By default waitQueueTimeoutMS is not set. See Can PyMongo help me load the results of my query as a Pandas DataFrame? for more information.

  • The insert() method automatically splits large batches of documents into multiple insert messages based on max_message_size

  • Support for the exhaust cursor flag. See find() for details and caveats.

  • Support for the PLAIN and MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanisms. See the authentication docs for more information.

  • Support aggregation output as a Cursor. See aggregate() for details.


SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOR CHANGE in 2.6. Previously, max_pool_size would limit only the idle sockets the pool would hold onto, not the number of open sockets. The default has also changed, from 10 to 100. If you pass a value for max_pool_size make sure it is large enough for the expected load. (Sockets are only opened when needed, so there is no cost to having a max_pool_size larger than necessary. Err towards a larger value.) If your application accepts the default, continue to do so.

See Can PyMongo help me load the results of my query as a Pandas DataFrame? for more information.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.6 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.5.2

Version 2.5.2 fixes a NULL pointer dereference issue when decoding an invalid DBRef.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.5.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.5.1

Version 2.5.1 is a minor release that fixes issues discovered after the release of 2.5. Most importantly, this release addresses some race conditions in replica set monitoring.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.5.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.5

Version 2.5 includes changes to support new features in MongoDB 2.4.

Important new features:

  • Support for GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication.

  • Support for SSL certificate validation with hostname matching.

  • Support for delegated and role based authentication.

  • New GEOSPHERE (2dsphere) and HASHED index constants.


authenticate() now raises a subclass of PyMongoError if authentication fails due to invalid credentials or configuration issues.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.5 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.4.2

Version 2.4.2 is a minor release that fixes issues discovered after the release of 2.4.1. Most importantly, PyMongo will no longer select a replica set member for read operations that is not in primary or secondary state.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.4.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.4.1

Version 2.4.1 is a minor release that fixes issues discovered after the release of 2.4. Most importantly, this release fixes a regression using aggregate(), and possibly other commands, with mongos.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.4.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.4

Version 2.4 includes a few important new features and a large number of bug fixes.

Important new features:

  • New MongoClient and MongoReplicaSetClient classes - these connection classes do acknowledged write operations (previously referred to as ‘safe’ writes) by default. Connection and ReplicaSetConnection are deprecated but still support the old default fire-and-forget behavior.

  • A new write concern API implemented as a write_concern attribute on the connection, Database, or Collection classes.

  • MongoClient (and Connection) now support Unix Domain Sockets.

  • Cursor can be copied with functions from the copy module.

  • The set_profiling_level() method now supports a slow_ms option.

  • The replica set monitor task (used by MongoReplicaSetClient and ReplicaSetConnection) is a daemon thread once again, meaning you won’t have to call close() before exiting the python interactive shell.


The constructors for MongoClient, MongoReplicaSetClient, Connection, and ReplicaSetConnection now raise ConnectionFailure instead of its subclass AutoReconnect if the server is unavailable. Applications that expect to catch AutoReconnect should now catch ConnectionFailure while creating a new connection.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.4 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.3

Version 2.3 adds support for new features and behavior changes in MongoDB 2.2.

Important New Features:

  • Support for expanded read preferences including directing reads to tagged servers - See Secondary Reads for more information.

  • Support for mongos failover.

  • A new aggregate() method to support MongoDB’s new aggregation framework.

  • Support for legacy Java and C# byte order when encoding and decoding UUIDs.

  • Support for connecting directly to an arbiter.


Starting with MongoDB 2.2 the getLastError command requires authentication when the server’s authentication features are enabled. Changes to PyMongo were required to support this behavior change. Users of authentication must upgrade to PyMongo 2.3 (or newer) for “safe” write operations to function correctly.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.3 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.2.1

Version 2.2.1 is a minor release that fixes issues discovered after the release of 2.2. Most importantly, this release fixes an incompatibility with mod_wsgi 2.x that could cause connections to leak. Users of mod_wsgi 2.x are strongly encouraged to upgrade from PyMongo 2.2.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.2.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.2

Version 2.2 adds a few more frequently requested features and fixes a number of bugs.

Special thanks go to Alex Grönholm for his contributions to Python 3 support and maintaining the original pymongo3 port. Christoph Simon, Wouter Bolsterlee, Mike O’Brien, and Chris Tompkinson also contributed to this release.

Important New Features:

  • Support for Python 3 - See the Python 3 FAQ for more information.

  • Support for Gevent - See Gevent for more information.

  • Improved connection pooling. See PYTHON-287.


A number of methods and method parameters that were deprecated in PyMongo 1.9 or older versions have been removed in this release. The full list of changes can be found in the following JIRA ticket:

BSON module aliases from the pymongo package that were deprecated in PyMongo 1.9 have also been removed in this release. See the following JIRA ticket for details:

As a result of this cleanup some minor code changes may be required to use this release.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.2 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.1.1

Version 2.1.1 is a minor release that fixes a few issues discovered after the release of 2.1. You can now use ReplicaSetConnection to run inline map reduce commands on secondaries. See inline_map_reduce() for details.

Special thanks go to Samuel Clay and Ross Lawley for their contributions to this release.

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.1.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.1

Version 2.1 adds a few frequently requested features and includes the usual round of bug fixes and improvements.

Special thanks go to Alexey Borzenkov, Dan Crosta, Kostya Rybnikov, Flavio Percoco Premoli, Jonas Haag, and Jesse Davis for their contributions to this release.

Important New Features:

  • ReplicaSetConnection - ReplicaSetConnection can be used to distribute reads to secondaries in a replica set. It supports automatic failover handling and periodically checks the state of the replica set to handle issues like primary stepdown or secondaries being removed for backup operations. Read preferences are defined through ReadPreference.

  • PyMongo supports the new BSON binary subtype 4 for UUIDs. The default subtype to use can be set through uuid_subtype The current default remains OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE but will be changed to UUID_SUBTYPE in a future release.

  • The getLastError option ‘w’ can be set to a string, allowing for options like “majority” available in newer version of MongoDB.

  • Added support for the MongoDB URI options socketTimeoutMS and connectTimeoutMS.

  • Added support for the ContinueOnError insert flag.

  • Added basic SSL support.

  • Added basic support for Jython.

  • Secondaries can be used for count(), distinct(), group(), and querying GridFS.

  • Added document_class and tz_aware options to MasterSlaveConnection

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.1 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 fixes a regression in GridIn when writing pre-chunked strings. Thanks go to Alexey Borzenkov for reporting the issue and submitting a patch.

Issues Resolved

  • PYTHON-271: Regression in GridFS leads to serious loss of data.

Changes in Version 2.0

Version 2.0 adds a large number of features and fixes a number of issues.

Special thanks go to James Murty, Abhay Vardhan, David Pisoni, Ryan Smith-Roberts, Andrew Pendleton, Mher Movsisyan, Reed O’Brien, Michael Schurter, Josip Delic and Jonas Haag for their contributions to this release.

Important New Features:

  • PyMongo now performs automatic per-socket database authentication. You no longer have to re-authenticate for each new thread or after a replica set failover. Authentication credentials are cached by the driver until the application calls logout().

  • slave_okay can be set independently at the connection, database, collection or query level. Each level will inherit the slave_okay setting from the previous level and each level can override the previous level’s setting.

  • safe and getLastError options (e.g. w, wtimeout, etc.) can be set independently at the connection, database, collection or query level. Each level will inherit settings from the previous level and each level can override the previous level’s setting.

  • PyMongo now supports the await_data and partial cursor flags. If the await_data flag is set on a tailable cursor the server will block for some extra time waiting for more data to return. The partial flag tells a mongos to return partial data for a query if not all shards are available.

  • map_reduce() will accept a dict or instance of SON as the out parameter.

  • The URI parser has been moved into its own module and can be used directly by application code.

  • AutoReconnect exception now provides information about the error that actually occurred instead of a generic failure message.

  • A number of new helper methods have been added with options for setting and unsetting cursor flags, re-indexing a collection, fsync and locking a server, and getting the server’s current operations.

API changes:

  • If only one host:port pair is specified Connection will make a direct connection to only that host. Please note that slave_okay must be True in order to query from a secondary.

  • If more than one host:port pair is specified or the replicaset option is used PyMongo will treat the specified host:port pair(s) as a seed list and connect using replica set behavior.


The default subtype for Binary has changed from OLD_BINARY_SUBTYPE (2) to BINARY_SUBTYPE (0).

Issues Resolved

See the PyMongo 2.0 release notes in JIRA for the list of resolved issues in this release.

Changes in Version 1.11

Version 1.11 adds a few new features and fixes a few more bugs.

New Features:

  • Basic IPv6 support: pymongo prefers IPv4 but will try IPv6. You can also specify an IPv6 address literal in the host parameter or a MongoDB URI provided it is enclosed in ‘[’ and ‘]’.

  • max_pool_size option: previously pymongo had a hard coded pool size of 10 connections. With this change you can specify a different pool size as a parameter to Connection (max_pool_size=<integer>) or in the MongoDB URI (maxPoolSize=<integer>).

  • Find by metadata in GridFS: You can know specify query fields as keyword parameters for get_version() and get_last_version().

  • Per-query slave_okay option: slave_okay=True is now a valid keyword argument for find() and find_one().

API changes:

  • validate_collection() now returns a dict instead of a string. This change was required to deal with an API change on the server. This method also now takes the optional scandata and full parameters. See the documentation for more details.


The pool_size, auto_start_request`, and timeout parameters for Connection have been completely removed in this release. They were deprecated in pymongo-1.4 and have had no effect since then. Please make sure that your code doesn’t currently pass these parameters when creating a Connection instance.

Issues resolved

  • PYTHON-241: Support setting slaveok at the cursor level.

  • PYTHON-240: Queries can sometimes permanently fail after a replica set fail over.

  • PYTHON-238: error after few million requests

  • PYTHON-237: Basic IPv6 support.

  • PYTHON-236: Restore option to specify pool size in Connection.

  • PYTHON-212: pymongo does not recover after stale config

  • PYTHON-138: Find method for GridFS

Changes in Version 1.10.1

Version 1.10.1 is primarily a bugfix release. It fixes a regression in version 1.10 that broke pickling of ObjectIds. A number of other bugs have been fixed as well.

There are two behavior changes to be aware of:

  • If a read slave raises AutoReconnect MasterSlaveConnection will now retry the query on each slave until it is successful or all slaves have raised AutoReconnect. Any other exception will immediately be raised. The order that the slaves are tried is random. Previously the read would be sent to one randomly chosen slave and AutoReconnect was immediately raised in case of a connection failure.

  • A Python long is now always BSON encoded as an int64. Previously the encoding was based only on the value of the field and a long with a value less than 2147483648 or greater than -2147483649 would always be BSON encoded as an int32.

Issues resolved

  • PYTHON-234: Fix to raise exception if any when building extensions

  • PYTHON-233: Add information to build and test with extensions on windows

  • PYTHON-232: Traceback when hashing a DBRef instance

  • PYTHON-231: Traceback when pickling a DBRef instance

  • PYTHON-230: Pickled ObjectIds are not compatible between pymongo 1.9 and 1.10

  • PYTHON-228: Cannot pickle bson.ObjectId

  • PYTHON-227: Traceback when calling find() on system.js

  • PYTHON-216: MasterSlaveConnection is missing disconnect() method

  • PYTHON-186: When storing integers, type is selected according to value instead of type

  • PYTHON-173: as_class option is not propagated by Cursor.clone

  • PYTHON-113: Redunducy in MasterSlaveConnection

Changes in Version 1.10

Version 1.10 includes changes to support new features in MongoDB 1.8.x. Highlights include a modified map/reduce API including an inline map/reduce helper method, a new find_and_modify helper, and the ability to query the server for the maximum BSON document size it supports.

  • added find_and_modify().

  • added inline_map_reduce().

  • changed map_reduce().


MongoDB versions greater than 1.7.4 no longer generate temporary collections for map/reduce results. An output collection name must be provided and the output will replace any existing output collection with the same name. map_reduce() now requires the out parameter.

Issues resolved

  • PYTHON-225: ObjectId class definition should use __slots__.

  • PYTHON-223: Documentation fix.

  • PYTHON-220: Documentation fix.

  • PYTHON-219: KeyError in find_and_modify()

  • PYTHON-213: Query server for maximum BSON document size.

  • PYTHON-208: Fix Connection __repr__.

  • PYTHON-207: Changes to Map/Reduce API.

  • PYTHON-205: Accept slaveOk in the URI to match the URI docs.

  • PYTHON-203: When slave_okay=True and we only specify one host don’t autodetect other set members.

  • PYTHON-194: Show size when whining about a document being too large.

  • PYTHON-184: Raise DuplicateKeyError for duplicate keys in capped collections.

  • PYTHON-178: Don’t segfault when trying to encode a recursive data structure.

  • PYTHON-177: Don’t segfault when decoding dicts with broken iterators.

  • PYTHON-172: Fix a typo.

  • PYTHON-170: Add find_and_modify().

  • PYTHON-169: Support deepcopy of DBRef.

  • PYTHON-167: Duplicate of PYTHON-166.

  • PYTHON-166: Fixes a concurrency issue.

  • PYTHON-158: Add code and err string to db assertion messages.

Changes in Version 1.9

Version 1.9 adds a new package to the PyMongo distribution, bson. bson contains all of the BSON encoding and decoding logic, and the BSON types that were formerly in the pymongo package. The following modules have been renamed:

In addition, the following exception classes have been renamed:

The above exceptions now inherit from bson.errors.BSONError rather than pymongo.errors.PyMongoError.


All of the renamed modules and exceptions above have aliases created with the old names, so these changes should not break existing code. The old names will eventually be deprecated and then removed, so users should begin migrating towards the new names now.


The change to the exception hierarchy mentioned above is possibly breaking. If your code is catching PyMongoError, then the exceptions raised by bson will not be caught, even though they would have been caught previously. Before upgrading, it is recommended that users check for any cases like this.

  • the C extension now shares buffer.c/h with the Ruby driver

  • bson no longer raises InvalidName, all occurrences have been replaced with InvalidDocument.

  • renamed bson._to_dicts() to decode_all().

  • renamed from_dict() to encode() and to_dict() to decode().

  • added batch_size().

  • allow updating (some) file metadata after a GridIn instance has been closed.

  • performance improvements for reading from GridFS.

  • special cased slice with the same start and stop to return an empty cursor.

  • allow writing unicode to GridFS if an encoding attribute has been specified for the file.

  • added gridfs.GridFS.get_version().

  • scope variables for Code can now be specified as keyword arguments.

  • added readline() to GridOut.

  • make a best effort to transparently auto-reconnect if a Connection has been idle for a while.

  • added list() to SystemJS.

  • added file_document argument to GridOut() to allow initializing from an existing file document.

  • raise TimeoutError even if the getLastError command was run manually and not through “safe” mode.

  • added uuid support to json_util.

Changes in Version 1.8.1

  • fixed a typo in the C extension that could cause safe-mode operations to report a failure (SystemError) even when none occurred.

  • added a __ne__() implementation to any class where we define __eq__().

Changes in Version 1.8

Version 1.8 adds support for connecting to replica sets, specifying per-operation values for w and wtimeout, and decoding to timezone-aware datetimes.

  • fixed a reference leak in the C extension when decoding a DBRef.

  • added support for w, wtimeout, and fsync (and any other options for getLastError) to “safe mode” operations.

  • added nodes property.

  • added a maximum pool size of 10 sockets.

  • added support for replica sets.

  • DEPRECATED from_uri() and paired(), both are supplanted by extended functionality in Connection().

  • added tz aware support for datetimes in ObjectId, Timestamp and json_util methods.

  • added drop() helper.

  • reuse the socket used for finding the master when a Connection is first created.

  • added support for MinKey, MaxKey and Timestamp to json_util.

  • added support for decoding datetimes as aware (UTC) - it is highly recommended to enable this by setting the tz_aware parameter to Connection() to True.

  • added network_timeout option for individual calls to find() and find_one().

  • added exists() to check if a file exists in GridFS.

  • added support for additional keys in DBRef instances.

  • added code attribute to OperationFailure exceptions.

  • fixed serialization of int and float subclasses in the C extension.

Changes in Version 1.7

Version 1.7 is a recommended upgrade for all PyMongo users. The full release notes are below, and some more in depth discussion of the highlights is here.

  • no longer attempt to build the C extension on big-endian systems.

  • added MinKey and MaxKey.

  • use unsigned for Timestamp in BSON encoder/decoder.

  • support True as "ok" in command responses, in addition to 1.0 - necessary for server versions >= 1.5.X

  • BREAKING change to index_information() to add support for querying unique status and other index information.

  • added document_class, to specify class for returned documents.

  • added as_class argument for find(), and in the BSON decoder.

  • added support for creating Timestamp instances using a datetime.

  • allow dropTarget argument for rename.

  • handle aware datetime instances, by converting to UTC.

  • added support for max_scan.

  • raise FileExists exception when creating a duplicate GridFS file.

  • use y2038 for time handling in the C extension - eliminates 2038 problems when extension is installed.

  • added sort parameter to find()

  • finalized deprecation of changes from versions <= 1.4

  • take any non-dict as an "_id" query for find_one() or remove()

  • added ability to pass a dict for fields argument to find() (supports "$slice" and field negation)

  • simplified code to find master, since paired setups don’t always have a remote

  • fixed bug in C encoder for certain invalid types (like Collection instances).

  • don’t transparently map "filename" key to name attribute for GridFS.

Changes in Version 1.6

The biggest change in version 1.6 is a complete re-implementation of gridfs with a lot of improvements over the old implementation. There are many details and examples of using the new API in this blog post. The old API has been removed in this version, so existing code will need to be modified before upgrading to 1.6.

  • fixed issue where connection pool was being shared across Connection instances.

  • more improvements to Python code caching in C extension - should improve behavior on mod_wsgi.

  • added from_datetime().

  • complete rewrite of gridfs support.

  • improvements to the command() API.

  • fixed drop_indexes() behavior on non-existent collections.

  • disallow empty bulk inserts.

Changes in Version 1.5.2

  • fixed response handling to ignore unknown response flags in queries.

  • handle server versions containing ‘-pre-‘.

Changes in Version 1.5.1

  • added _id property for GridFile instances.

  • fix for making a Connection (with slave_okay set) directly to a slave in a replica pair.

  • accept kwargs for create_index() and ensure_index() to support all indexing options.

  • add pymongo.GEO2D and support for geo indexing.

  • improvements to Python code caching in C extension - should improve behavior on mod_wsgi.

Changes in Version 1.5

  • added subtype constants to binary module.

  • DEPRECATED options argument to Collection() and create_collection() in favor of kwargs.

  • added has_c() to check for C extension.

  • added copy_database().

  • added alive to tell when a cursor might have more data to return (useful for tailable cursors).

  • added Timestamp to better support dealing with internal MongoDB timestamps.

  • added name argument for create_index() and ensure_index().

  • fixed connection pooling w/ fork

  • paired() takes all kwargs that are allowed for Connection().

  • insert() returns list for bulk inserts of size one.

  • fixed handling of datetime.datetime instances in json_util.

  • added from_uri() to support MongoDB connection uri scheme.

  • fixed chunk number calculation when unaligned in gridfs.

  • command() takes a string for simple commands.

  • added system_js helper for dealing with server-side JS.

  • don’t wrap queries containing "$query" (support manual use of "$min", etc.).

  • added GridFSError as base class for gridfs exceptions.

Changes in Version 1.4

Perhaps the most important change in version 1.4 is that we have decided to no longer support Python 2.3. The most immediate reason for this is to allow some improvements to connection pooling. This will also allow us to use some new (as in Python 2.4 ;) idioms and will help begin the path towards supporting Python 3.0. If you need to use Python 2.3 you should consider using version 1.3 of this driver, although that will no longer be actively supported.

Other changes:

  • move "_id" to front only for top-level documents (fixes some corner cases).

  • update() and remove() return the entire response to the lastError command when safe is True.

  • completed removal of things that were deprecated in version 1.2 or earlier.

  • enforce that collection names do not contain the NULL byte.

  • fix to allow using UTF-8 collection names with the C extension.

  • added PyMongoError as base exception class for all errors. this changes the exception hierarchy somewhat, and is a BREAKING change if you depend on ConnectionFailure being a IOError or InvalidBSON being a ValueError, for example.

  • added DuplicateKeyError for calls to insert() or update() with safe set to True.

  • removed thread_util.

  • added add_user() and remove_user() helpers.

  • fix for authenticate() when using non-UTF-8 names or passwords.

  • minor fixes for MasterSlaveConnection.

  • clean up all cases where ConnectionFailure is raised.

  • simplification of connection pooling - makes driver ~2x faster for simple benchmarks. see Can PyMongo help me load the results of my query as a Pandas DataFrame? for more information.

  • DEPRECATED pool_size, auto_start_request and timeout parameters to Connection. DEPRECATED start_request().

  • use socket.sendall().

  • removed from_xml() as it was only being used for some internal testing - also eliminates dependency on elementtree.

  • implementation of update() in C.

  • deprecate _command() in favor of command().

  • send all commands without wrapping as {"query": ...}.

  • support string as key argument to group() (keyf) and run all groups as commands.

  • support for equality testing for Code instances.

  • allow the NULL byte in strings and disallow it in key names or regex patterns

Changes in Version 1.3

  • DEPRECATED running group() as eval(), also changed default for group() to running as a command

  • remove pymongo.cursor.Cursor.__len__(), which was deprecated in 1.1.1 - needed to do this aggressively due to it’s presence breaking Django template for loops

  • DEPRECATED host(), port(), connection(), name(), database(), name() and full_name() in favor of host, port, connection, name, database, name and full_name, respectively. The deprecation schedule for this change will probably be faster than usual, as it carries some performance implications.

  • added disconnect()

Changes in Version 1.2.1

  • added Changelog to docs

  • added doc --test to run doctests for tutorial, examples

  • moved most examples to Sphinx docs (and remove from examples/ directory)

  • raise InvalidId instead of TypeError when passing a 24 character string to ObjectId that contains non-hexadecimal characters

  • allow unicode instances for ObjectId init

Changes in Version 1.2

  • spec parameter for remove() is now optional to allow for deleting all documents in a Collection

  • always wrap queries with {query: ...} even when no special options - get around some issues with queries on fields named query

  • enforce 4MB document limit on the client side

  • added map_reduce() helper - see example

  • added distinct() method on Cursor instances to allow distinct with queries

  • fix for __getitem__() after skip()

  • allow any UTF-8 string in BSON encoder, not just ASCII subset

  • added generation_time

  • removed support for legacy ObjectId format - pretty sure this was never used, and is just confusing

  • DEPRECATED url_encode() and url_decode() in favor of str() and ObjectId(), respectively

  • allow oplog.$main as a valid collection name

  • some minor fixes for installation process

  • added support for datetime and regex in json_util

Changes in Version 1.1.2

  • improvements to insert() speed (using C for insert message creation)

  • use random number for request_id

  • fix some race conditions with AutoReconnect

Changes in Version 1.1.1

  • added multi parameter for update()

  • fix unicode regex patterns with C extension

  • added distinct()

  • added database support for DBRef

  • added json_util with helpers for encoding / decoding special types to JSON

  • DEPRECATED pymongo.cursor.Cursor.__len__() in favor of count() with with_limit_and_skip set to True due to performance regression

  • switch documentation to Sphinx

Changes in Version 1.1

  • added __hash__() for DBRef and ObjectId

  • bulk insert() works with any iterable

  • fix ObjectId generation when using multiprocessing

  • added collection

  • added network_timeout parameter for Connection()

  • DEPRECATED slave_okay parameter for individual queries

  • fix for safe mode when multi-threaded

  • added safe parameter for remove()

  • added tailable parameter for find()

Changes in Version 1.0

  • fixes for MasterSlaveConnection

  • added finalize parameter for group()

  • improvements to insert() speed

  • improvements to gridfs speed

  • added __getitem__() and __len__() for Cursor instances

Changes in Version 0.16

Changes in Version 0.15.2

  • documentation changes only

Changes in Version 0.15.1

  • various performance improvements

  • API CHANGE no longer need to specify direction for create_index() and ensure_index() when indexing a single key

  • support for encoding tuple instances as list instances

Changes in Version 0.15

  • fix string representation of ObjectId instances

  • added timeout parameter for find()

  • allow scope for reduce function in group()

Changes in Version 0.14.2

  • minor bugfixes

Changes in Version 0.14.1

  • seek() and tell() for (read mode) GridFile instances

Changes in Version 0.14

Changes in Version 0.13

  • better MasterSlaveConnection support

  • API CHANGE insert() and save() both return inserted _id

  • DEPRECATED passing an index name to hint()

Changes in Version 0.12

Changes in Version 0.11.3

  • don’t allow NULL bytes in string encoder

  • fixes for Python 2.3

Changes in Version 0.11.2

  • PEP 8

  • updates for group()

  • VS build

Changes in Version 0.11.1

  • fix for connection pooling under Python 2.5

Changes in Version 0.11

  • better build failure detection

  • driver support for selecting fields in sub-documents

  • disallow insertion of invalid key names

  • added timeout parameter for Connection()

Changes in Version 0.10.3

  • fix bug with large limit()

  • better exception when modules get reloaded out from underneath the C extension

  • better exception messages when calling a Collection or Database instance

Changes in Version 0.10.2

  • support subclasses of dict in C encoder

Changes in Version 0.10.1

  • alias Connection as pymongo.Connection

  • raise an exception rather than silently overflowing in encoder

Changes in Version 0.10

  • added ensure_index()

Changes in Version 0.9.7

  • allow sub-collections of $cmd as valid Collection names

  • add version as pymongo.version

  • add --no_ext command line option to