server_description – An object representation of a server the driver is connected to.

Represent one server the driver is connected to.

class pymongo.server_description.ServerDescription

Immutable representation of one server.

  • address: A (host, port) pair

  • hello: Optional Hello instance

  • round_trip_time: Optional float

  • error: Optional, the last error attempting to connect to the server

property address: Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

The address (host, port) of this server.

property all_hosts: Set[Tuple[str, int]]

List of hosts, passives, and arbiters known to this server.

property error: Optional[Exception]

The last error attempting to connect to the server, or None.

property primary: Optional[Tuple[str, int]]

This server’s opinion about who the primary is, or None.

property replica_set_name: Optional[str]

Replica set name or None.

property retryable_reads_supported: bool

Checks if this server supports retryable writes.

property retryable_writes_supported: bool

Checks if this server supports retryable writes.

property round_trip_time: Optional[float]

The current average latency or None.

property server_type: int

The type of this server.

property server_type_name: str

The server type as a human readable string.

New in version 3.4.