PyMongo 4 Migration Guide

PyMongo 4.0 brings a number of improvements as well as some backward breaking changes. This guide provides a roadmap for migrating an existing application from PyMongo 3.x to 4.x or writing libraries that will work with both PyMongo 3.x and 4.x.

PyMongo 3

The first step in any successful migration involves upgrading to, or requiring, at least that latest version of PyMongo 3.x. If your project has a requirements.txt file, add the line “pymongo >= 3.12, < 4.0” until you have completely migrated to PyMongo 4. Most of the key new methods and options from PyMongo 4.0 are backported in PyMongo 3.12 making migration much easier.


Users of PyMongo 2.X who wish to upgrade to 4.x must first upgrade to PyMongo 3.x by following the PyMongo 3 Migration Guide.

Python 3.6+

PyMongo 4.0 drops support for Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5. Users who wish to upgrade to 4.x must first upgrade to Python 3.6.2+. Users upgrading from Python 2 should consult the Python 3 FAQ.

Enable Deprecation Warnings

DeprecationWarning is raised by most methods removed in PyMongo 4.0. Make sure you enable runtime warnings to see where deprecated functions and methods are being used in your application:

python -Wd <your application>

Warnings can also be changed to errors:

python -Wd -Werror <your application>


Not all deprecated features raise DeprecationWarning when used. See Removed features with no migration path.


Removed MongoReplicaSetClient. Since PyMongo 3.0, MongoReplicaSetClient has been identical to pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient. Applications can simply replace MongoReplicaSetClient with pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient and get the same behavior.


directConnection defaults to False

directConnection URI option and keyword argument to MongoClient defaults to False instead of None, allowing for the automatic discovery of replica sets. This means that if you want a direct connection to a single server you must pass directConnection=True as a URI option or keyword argument.

If you see any ServerSelectionTimeoutError’s after upgrading from PyMongo 3 to 4.x, you likely need to add directConnection=True when creating the client. Here are some example errors:

pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: mongo_node2: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname
provided, or not known,mongo_node1:27017
ServerSelectionTimeoutError: No servers match selector "Primary()", Timeout: 30s,
Topology Description: ...

Additionally, the “isWritablePrimary” attribute of a hello command sent back by the server will always be True if directConnection=False:

>>> client.admin.command('hello')['isWritablePrimary']

The waitQueueMultiple parameter is removed

Removed the waitQueueMultiple keyword argument to MongoClient and removed pymongo.errors.ExceededMaxWaiters. Instead of using waitQueueMultiple to bound queuing, limit the size of the thread pool in your application.

The socketKeepAlive parameter is removed

Removed the socketKeepAlive keyword argument to MongoClient. PyMongo now always enables TCP keepalive. For more information see the documentation.

Renamed URI options

Several deprecated URI options have been renamed to the standardized option names defined in the URI options specification. The old option names and their renamed equivalents are summarized in the table below. Some renamed options have different semantics from the option being replaced as noted in the ‘Migration Notes’ column.

Old URI Option

Renamed URI Option

Migration Notes









ssl_match_hostname=True is equivalent to tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=False and vice-versa.



Instead of ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL and ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, the new option expects a boolean value - True is equivalent to ssl.CERT_NONE, while False is equivalent to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED.



Instead of using ssl_certfile and ssl_keyfile to specify the certificate and private key files respectively, use tlsCertificateKeyFile to pass a single file containing both the client certificate and the private key.






MongoClient.fsync is removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.fsync(). Run the fsync command directly with command() instead. For example:

client.admin.command('fsync', lock=True)

MongoClient.unlock is removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.unlock(). Run the fsyncUnlock command directly with command() instead. For example:


MongoClient.is_locked is removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.is_locked. Run the currentOp command directly with command() instead. For example:

is_locked = client.admin.command('currentOp').get('fsyncLock')

MongoClient.database_names is removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.database_names(). Use list_database_names() instead. Code like this:

names = client.database_names()

can be changed to this:

names = client.list_database_names()

MongoClient.max_bson_size/max_message_size/max_write_batch_size are removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_bson_size, pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_message_size, and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_write_batch_size. These helpers were incorrect when in loadBalanced=true mode and ambiguous in clusters with mixed versions. Use the hello command to get the authoritative value from the remote server instead. Code like this:

max_bson_size = client.max_bson_size
max_message_size = client.max_message_size
max_write_batch_size = client.max_write_batch_size

can be changed to this:

doc = client.admin.command('hello')
max_bson_size = doc['maxBsonObjectSize']
max_message_size = doc['maxMessageSizeBytes']
max_write_batch_size = doc['maxWriteBatchSize']

MongoClient.event_listeners and other configuration option helpers are removed

The following client configuration option helpers are removed: - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.event_listeners. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_pool_size. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_idle_time_ms. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.local_threshold_ms. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.server_selection_timeout. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_writes. - pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.retry_reads.

These helpers have been replaced by pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.options. Code like this:


can be changed to this:


tz_aware defaults to False

The tz_aware argument to JSONOptions now defaults to False instead of True. bson.json_util.loads() now decodes datetime as naive by default:

>>> from bson import json_util
>>> s = '{"dt": {"$date": "2022-05-09T17:54:00Z"}}'
>>> json_util.loads(s)
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 9, 17, 54)}

To retain the PyMongo 3 behavior set tz_aware=True, for example:

>>> from bson import json_util
>>> opts = json_util.JSONOptions(tz_aware=True)
>>> s = '{"dt": {"$date": "2022-05-09T17:54:00Z"}}'
>>> json_util.loads(s, json_options=opts)
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 9, 17, 54, tzinfo=<bson.tz_util.FixedOffset object at 0x7fd1ebc1add0>)}

This change was made to match the default behavior of CodecOptions and bson.decode.

MongoClient cannot execute operations after close()

MongoClient cannot execute any operations after being closed. The previous behavior would simply reconnect. However, now you must create a new instance.

MongoClient raises exception when given more than one URI

MongoClient now raises a ConfigurationError when more than one URI is passed into the hosts argument.

MongoClient raises exception when given unescaped percent sign in login info

MongoClient now raises an InvalidURI exception when it encounters unescaped percent signs in username and password.


Database.authenticate and Database.logout are removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.authenticate() and pymongo.database.Database.logout(). Authenticating multiple users on the same client conflicts with support for logical sessions in MongoDB 3.6+. To authenticate as multiple users, create multiple instances of MongoClient. Code like this:

client = MongoClient()
client.admin.authenticate('user1', 'pass1')
client.admin.authenticate('user2', 'pass2')

can be changed to this:

client1 = MongoClient(username='user1', password='pass1')
client2 = MongoClient(username='user2', password='pass2')

Alternatively, create a single user that contains all the authentication privileges required by your application.

Database.collection_names is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.collection_names(). Use list_collection_names() instead. Code like this:

names = client.db.collection_names()
non_system_names = client.db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False)

can be changed to this:

names = client.db.list_collection_names()
non_system_names = client.db.list_collection_names(filter={"name": {"$regex": "^(?!system\\.)"}})

Database.current_op is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.current_op(). Use aggregate() instead with the $currentOp aggregation pipeline stage. Code like this:

ops = client.admin.current_op()['inprog']

can be changed to this:

ops = list(client.admin.aggregate([{'$currentOp': {}}]))

Database.add_user is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.add_user() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.6. Use the createUser command or updateUser command instead. To create a user:

db.command("createUser", "admin", pwd="password", roles=["dbAdmin"])

To create a read-only user:

db.command("createUser", "user", pwd="password", roles=["read"])

To change a password:

db.command("updateUser", "user", pwd="newpassword")

Or change roles:

db.command("updateUser", "user", roles=["readWrite"])

Database.remove_user is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.remove_user() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.6. Use the dropUser command instead:

db.command("dropUser", "user")

Database.profiling_level is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.profiling_level() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.12. Use the profile command instead. Code like this:

level = db.profiling_level()

Can be changed to this:

profile = db.command('profile', -1)
level = profile['was']

Database.set_profiling_level is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.set_profiling_level() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.12. Use the profile command instead. Code like this:

db.set_profiling_level(pymongo.ALL, filter={'op': 'query'})

Can be changed to this:

res = db.command('profile', 2, filter={'op': 'query'})

Database.profiling_info is removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.profiling_info() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.12. Query the ‘system.profile’ collection instead. Code like this:

profiling_info = db.profiling_info()

Can be changed to this:

profiling_info = list(db['system.profile'].find())

Database.__bool__ raises NotImplementedError

Database now raises an error upon evaluating as a Boolean. Code like this:

if database:

Can be changed to this:

if database is not None:

You must now explicitly compare with None.


The useCursor option for Collection.aggregate is removed

Removed the useCursor option for aggregate() which was deprecated in PyMongo 3.6. The option was only necessary when upgrading from MongoDB 2.4 to MongoDB 2.6.

Collection.insert is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.insert(). Use insert_one() or insert_many() instead.

Code like this:

collection.insert({'doc': 1})
collection.insert([{'doc': 2}, {'doc': 3}])

Can be changed to this:

collection.insert_one({'my': 'document'})
collection.insert_many([{'doc': 2}, {'doc': 3}]) is removed

Removed Applications will get better performance using insert_one() to insert a new document and update_one() to update an existing document. Code like this:

doc = collection.find_one({"_id": "some id"})
doc["some field"] = <some value>

Can be changed to this:

result = collection.update_one({"_id": "some id"}, {"$set": {"some field": <some value>}})

If performance is not a concern and refactoring is untenable, save can be implemented like so:

def save(doc):
    if '_id' in doc:
        collection.replace_one({'_id': doc['_id']}, doc, upsert=True)
        return doc['_id']
        res = collection.insert_one(doc)
        return res.inserted_id

Collection.update is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.update(). Use update_one() to update a single document or update_many() to update multiple documents. Code like this:

collection.update({}, {'$set': {'a': 1}})
collection.update({}, {'$set': {'b': 1}}, multi=True)

Can be changed to this:

collection.update_one({}, {'$set': {'a': 1}})
collection.update_many({}, {'$set': {'b': 1}})

Collection.remove is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.remove(). Use delete_one() to delete a single document or delete_many() to delete multiple documents. Code like this:

collection.remove({'a': 1}, multi=False)
collection.remove({'b': 1})

Can be changed to this:

collection.delete_one({'a': 1})
collection.delete_many({'b': 1})

Collection.find_and_modify is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.find_and_modify(). Use find_one_and_update(), find_one_and_replace(), or find_one_and_delete() instead. Code like this:

updated_doc = collection.find_and_modify({'a': 1}, {'$set': {'b': 1}})
replaced_doc = collection.find_and_modify({'b': 1}, {'c': 1})
deleted_doc = collection.find_and_modify({'c': 1}, remove=True)

Can be changed to this:

updated_doc = collection.find_one_and_update({'a': 1}, {'$set': {'b': 1}})
replaced_doc = collection.find_one_and_replace({'b': 1}, {'c': 1})
deleted_doc = collection.find_one_and_delete({'c': 1})

Collection.count and Cursor.count is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.count() and pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count(). Use count_documents() or estimated_document_count() instead. Code like this:

ntotal = collection.count({})
nmatched = collection.count({'price': {'$gte': 10}})
# Or via the Cursor.count api:
ntotal = collection.find({}).count()
nmatched = collection.find({'price': {'$gte': 10}}).count()

Can be changed to this:

ntotal = collection.estimated_document_count()
nmatched = collection.count_documents({'price': {'$gte': 10}})


When migrating from count() to count_documents() the following query operators must be replaced:






$geoWithin with $center; i.e. {'$geoWithin': {'$center': [[<x>,<y>], <radius>]}}


$geoWithin with $centerSphere; i.e. {'$geoWithin': {'$centerSphere': [[<x>,<y>], <radius>]}}

Collection.initialize_ordered_bulk_op and initialize_unordered_bulk_op is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.initialize_ordered_bulk_op() and pymongo.bulk.BulkOperationBuilder. Use pymongo.collection.Collection.bulk_write() instead. Code like this:

batch = coll.initialize_ordered_bulk_op()
batch.insert({'a': 1})
batch.find({'a': 1}).update_one({'$set': {'b': 1}})
batch.find({'a': 2}).upsert().replace_one({'b': 2})
batch.find({'a': 3}).remove()
result = batch.execute()

Can be changed to this:

    InsertOne({'a': 1}),
    UpdateOne({'a': 1}, {'$set': {'b': 1}}),
    ReplaceOne({'a': 2}, {'b': 2}, upsert=True),
    DeleteOne({'a': 3}),

Collection.initialize_unordered_bulk_op is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.initialize_unordered_bulk_op(). Use pymongo.collection.Collection.bulk_write() instead. Code like this:

batch = coll.initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
batch.insert({'a': 1})
batch.find({'a': 1}).update_one({'$set': {'b': 1}})
batch.find({'a': 2}).upsert().replace_one({'b': 2})
batch.find({'a': 3}).remove()
result = batch.execute()

Can be changed to this:

    InsertOne({'a': 1}),
    UpdateOne({'a': 1}, {'$set': {'b': 1}}),
    ReplaceOne({'a': 2}, {'b': 2}, upsert=True),
    DeleteOne({'a': 3}),
], ordered=False) is removed

Removed This method was deprecated in PyMongo 3.5. MongoDB 4.2 removed the group command. Use aggregate() with the $group stage instead.

Collection.map_reduce and Collection.inline_map_reduce are removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.map_reduce() and pymongo.collection.Collection.inline_map_reduce(). Migrate to aggregate() or run the mapReduce command directly with command() instead. For more guidance on this migration see:

Collection.ensure_index is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.ensure_index(). Use create_index() or create_indexes() instead. Note that ensure_index maintained an in memory cache of recently created indexes whereas the newer methods do not. Applications should avoid frequent calls to create_index() or create_indexes(). Code like this:

def persist(self, document):
    collection.ensure_index('a', unique=True)

Can be changed to this:

def persist(self, document):
    if not self.created_index:
        collection.create_index('a', unique=True)
        self.created_index = True

Collection.reindex is removed

Removed pymongo.collection.Collection.reindex(). Run the reIndex command directly instead. Code like this:

>>> result = database.my_collection.reindex()

can be changed to this:

>>> result = database.command('reIndex', 'my_collection')

The modifiers parameter is removed

Removed the modifiers parameter from find(), find_one(), find_raw_batches(), and Cursor(). Pass the options directly to the method instead. Code like this:

cursor = coll.find({}, modifiers={
    "$comment": "comment",
    "$hint": {"_id": 1},
    "$min": {"_id": 0},
    "$max": {"_id": 6},
    "$maxTimeMS": 6000,
    "$returnKey": False,
    "$showDiskLoc": False,

can be changed to this:

cursor = coll.find(
    hint={"_id": 1},
    min={"_id": 0},
    max={"_id": 6},

The hint parameter is required with min/max

The hint option is now required when using min or max queries with find() to ensure the query utilizes the correct index. For example, code like this:

cursor = coll.find({}, min={'x', min_value})

can be changed to this:

cursor = coll.find({}, min={'x', min_value}, hint=[('x', ASCENDING)])

Collection.__bool__ raises NotImplementedError

Collection now raises an error upon evaluating as a Boolean. Code like this:

if collection:

Can be changed to this:

if collection is not None:

You must now explicitly compare with None.

Collection.find returns entire document with empty projection

Empty projections (eg {} or []) for find(), and find_one() are passed to the server as-is rather than the previous behavior which substituted in a projection of {"_id": 1}. This means that an empty projection will now return the entire document, not just the "_id" field. To ensure that behavior remains consistent, code like this:

coll.find({}, projection={})

Can be changed to this:

coll.find({}, projection={"_id":1})

SONManipulator is removed

Removed pymongo.son_manipulator, pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator, pymongo.son_manipulator.ObjectIdInjector, pymongo.son_manipulator.ObjectIdShuffler, pymongo.son_manipulator.AutoReference, pymongo.son_manipulator.NamespaceInjector, pymongo.database.Database.add_son_manipulator(), pymongo.database.Database.outgoing_copying_manipulators, pymongo.database.Database.outgoing_manipulators, pymongo.database.Database.incoming_copying_manipulators, and pymongo.database.Database.incoming_manipulators.

Removed the manipulate parameter from find(), find_one(), and Cursor().

The pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator API has limitations as a technique for transforming your data and was deprecated in PyMongo 3.0. Instead, it is more flexible and straightforward to transform outgoing documents in your own code before passing them to PyMongo, and transform incoming documents after receiving them from PyMongo.

Alternatively, if your application uses the SONManipulator API to convert custom types to BSON, the TypeCodec and TypeRegistry APIs may be a suitable alternative. For more information, see the custom type example.

SON().items() now returns dict_items object.

items() now returns a dict_items object rather than a list.

SON().iteritems() removed.

SON.iteritems() now removed. Code that looks like this:

for k, v in son.iteritems():

Can now be replaced by code that looks like:

for k, v in son.items():

IsMaster is removed

Removed pymongo.ismaster.IsMaster. Use pymongo.hello.Hello instead.

NotMasterError is removed

Removed NotMasterError. Use NotPrimaryError instead.

CertificateError is removed

Removed CertificateError. Since PyMongo 3.0 this error is handled internally and is never raised to the application.

pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK is removed

Removed pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK. Replace with “geoHaystack” or create a 2d index and use $geoNear or $geoWithin instead. See

UUIDLegacy is removed

Removed bson.binary.UUIDLegacy. Use bson.binary.Binary.from_uuid() instead. Code like this:

uu = uuid.uuid4()
uuid_legacy = UUIDLegacy(uu)

can be changed to this:

uu = uuid.uuid4()
uuid_legacy = Binary.from_uuid(uu, PYTHON_LEGACY)

Default JSONMode changed from LEGACY to RELAXED

Changed the default JSON encoding representation from legacy to relaxed. The json_mode parameter for bson.json_util.dumps now defaults to RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS.

GridFS changes

disable_md5 parameter is removed

Removed the disable_md5 option for GridFSBucket and GridFS. GridFS no longer generates checksums. Applications that desire a file digest should implement it outside GridFS and store it with other file metadata. For example:

import hashlib
my_db = MongoClient().test
fs = GridFSBucket(my_db)
with fs.open_upload_stream("test_file") as grid_in:
    file_data = b'...'
    sha356 = hashlib.sha256(file_data).hexdigest()
    grid_in.sha356 = sha356  # Set the custom 'sha356' field

Note that for large files, the checksum may need to be computed in chunks to avoid the excessive memory needed to load the entire file at once.

Removed features with no migration path

cursor_manager support is removed

Removed pymongo.cursor_manager.CursorManager, pymongo.cursor_manager, and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.set_cursor_manager().

MongoClient.close_cursor is removed

Removed pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.close_cursor() and pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.kill_cursors(). Instead, close cursors with pymongo.cursor.Cursor.close() or pymongo.command_cursor.CommandCursor.close().

Database.eval, Database.system_js, and SystemJS are removed

Removed eval(), system_js and SystemJS. The eval command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.0 and removed in MongoDB 4.2. There is no replacement for eval with MongoDB 4.2+.

However, on MongoDB <= 4.0, code like this:

>>> result = database.eval('function (x) {return x;}', 3)

can be changed to this:

>>> from bson.code import Code
>>> result = database.command('eval', Code('function (x) {return x;}'), args=[3]).get('retval')

Database.error, Database.last_status, Database.previous_error, and Database.reset_error_history are removed

Removed pymongo.database.Database.error(), pymongo.database.Database.last_status(), pymongo.database.Database.previous_error(), and pymongo.database.Database.reset_error_history(). These methods are obsolete: all MongoDB write operations use an acknowledged write concern and report their errors by default. These methods were deprecated in PyMongo 2.8.

Collection.parallel_scan is removed

Removed parallel_scan(). MongoDB 4.2 removed the parallelCollectionScan command. There is no replacement.

pymongo.message helpers are removed

Removed pymongo.message.delete(), pymongo.message.get_more(), pymongo.message.insert(), pymongo.message.kill_cursors(), pymongo.message.query(), and pymongo.message.update().

Name is a required argument for pymongo.driver_info.DriverInfo

name is now a required argument for the pymongo.driver_info.DriverInfo class.

DBRef BSON/JSON decoding behavior

Changed the BSON and JSON decoding behavior of DBRef to match the behavior outlined in the DBRef specification version 1.0. Specifically, PyMongo now only decodes a subdocument into a DBRef if and only if, it contains both $ref and $id fields and the $ref, $id, and $db fields are of the correct type. Otherwise the document is returned as normal. Previously, any subdocument containing a $ref field would be decoded as a DBRef.

Encoding a UUID raises an error by default

The default uuid_representation for CodecOptions, JSONOptions, and MongoClient has been changed from bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY to bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED. Attempting to encode a uuid.UUID instance to BSON or JSON now produces an error by default. If you were using UUIDs previously, you will need to set your uuid_representation to bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY to avoid data corruption. If you do not have UUIDs, then you should set bson.binary.UuidRepresentation.STANDARD. If you do not explicitly set a value, you will receive an error like this when attempting to encode a uuid.UUID:

ValueError: cannot encode native uuid.UUID with UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED. UUIDs can be manually converted...

See Handling UUID Data for details.

Additional BSON classes implement __slots__

Int64, MinKey, MaxKey, Timestamp, Regex, and DBRef now implement __slots__ to reduce memory usage. This means that their attributes are fixed, and new attributes cannot be added to the object at runtime.