encryption – Client-Side Field Level Encryption

Support for explicit client-side field level encryption.

class pymongo.encryption.Algorithm(value)

An enum that defines the supported encryption algorithms.

AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Deterministic = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic'


AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_Random = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random'


INDEXED = 'Indexed'



Support for Queryable Encryption is in beta. Backwards-breaking changes may be made before the final release.

New in version 4.2.

UNINDEXED = 'Unindexed'



Support for Queryable Encryption is in beta. Backwards-breaking changes may be made before the final release.

New in version 4.2.

class pymongo.encryption.ClientEncryption(kms_providers: Mapping[str, Any], key_vault_namespace: str, key_vault_client: pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient, codec_options: bson.codec_options.CodecOptions, kms_tls_options: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None)

Explicit client-side field level encryption.

The ClientEncryption class encapsulates explicit operations on a key vault collection that cannot be done directly on a MongoClient. Similar to configuring auto encryption on a MongoClient, it is constructed with a MongoClient (to a MongoDB cluster containing the key vault collection), KMS provider configuration, and keyVaultNamespace. It provides an API for explicitly encrypting and decrypting values, and creating data keys. It does not provide an API to query keys from the key vault collection, as this can be done directly on the MongoClient.

See Explicit Encryption for an example.

  • kms_providers: Map of KMS provider options. The kms_providers map values differ by provider:

    • aws: Map with “accessKeyId” and “secretAccessKey” as strings. These are the AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key used to generate KMS messages. An optional “sessionToken” may be included to support temporary AWS credentials.

    • azure: Map with “tenantId”, “clientId”, and “clientSecret” as strings. Additionally, “identityPlatformEndpoint” may also be specified as a string (defaults to ‘login.microsoftonline.com’). These are the Azure Active Directory credentials used to generate Azure Key Vault messages.

    • gcp: Map with “email” as a string and “privateKey” as bytes or a base64 encoded string. Additionally, “endpoint” may also be specified as a string (defaults to ‘oauth2.googleapis.com’). These are the credentials used to generate Google Cloud KMS messages.

    • kmip: Map with “endpoint” as a host with required port. For example: {"endpoint": "example.com:443"}.

    • local: Map with “key” as bytes (96 bytes in length) or a base64 encoded string which decodes to 96 bytes. “key” is the master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys. This key should be generated and stored as securely as possible.

  • key_vault_namespace: The namespace for the key vault collection. The key vault collection contains all data keys used for encryption and decryption. Data keys are stored as documents in this MongoDB collection. Data keys are protected with encryption by a KMS provider.

  • key_vault_client: A MongoClient connected to a MongoDB cluster containing the key_vault_namespace collection.

  • codec_options: An instance of CodecOptions to use when encoding a value for encryption and decoding the decrypted BSON value. This should be the same CodecOptions instance configured on the MongoClient, Database, or Collection used to access application data.

  • kms_tls_options (optional): A map of KMS provider names to TLS options to use when creating secure connections to KMS providers. Accepts the same TLS options as pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient. For example, to override the system default CA file:

    kms_tls_options={'kmip': {'tlsCAFile': certifi.where()}}

    Or to supply a client certificate:

    kms_tls_options={'kmip': {'tlsCertificateKeyFile': 'client.pem'}}

Changed in version 4.0: Added the kms_tls_options parameter and the “kmip” KMS provider.

New in version 3.9.

add_key_alt_name(id: bson.binary.Binary, key_alt_name: str) Any

Add key_alt_name to the set of alternate names in the key document with UUID key_id.

  • id: The UUID of a key a which must be a Binary with subtype 4 ( UUID_SUBTYPE).

  • key_alt_name: The key alternate name to add.


The previous version of the key document.

New in version 4.2.

close() None

Release resources.

Note that using this class in a with-statement will automatically call close():

with ClientEncryption(...) as client_encryption:
    encrypted = client_encryption.encrypt(value, ...)
    decrypted = client_encryption.decrypt(encrypted)
create_data_key(kms_provider: str, master_key: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, key_alt_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, key_material: Optional[bytes] = None) bson.binary.Binary

Create and insert a new data key into the key vault collection.

  • kms_provider: The KMS provider to use. Supported values are “aws”, “azure”, “gcp”, “kmip”, and “local”.

  • master_key: Identifies a KMS-specific key used to encrypt the new data key. If the kmsProvider is “local” the master_key is not applicable and may be omitted.

    If the kms_provider is “aws” it is required and has the following fields:

    - `region` (string): Required. The AWS region, e.g. "us-east-1".
    - `key` (string): Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to
       the AWS customer.
    - `endpoint` (string): Optional. An alternate host to send KMS
      requests to. May include port number, e.g.

    If the kms_provider is “azure” it is required and has the following fields:

    - `keyVaultEndpoint` (string): Required. Host with optional
       port, e.g. "example.vault.azure.net".
    - `keyName` (string): Required. Key name in the key vault.
    - `keyVersion` (string): Optional. Version of the key to use.

    If the kms_provider is “gcp” it is required and has the following fields:

    - `projectId` (string): Required. The Google cloud project ID.
    - `location` (string): Required. The GCP location, e.g. "us-east1".
    - `keyRing` (string): Required. Name of the key ring that contains
      the key to use.
    - `keyName` (string): Required. Name of the key to use.
    - `keyVersion` (string): Optional. Version of the key to use.
    - `endpoint` (string): Optional. Host with optional port.
      Defaults to "cloudkms.googleapis.com".

    If the kms_provider is “kmip” it is optional and has the following fields:

    - `keyId` (string): Optional. `keyId` is the KMIP Unique
      Identifier to a 96 byte KMIP Secret Data managed object. If
      keyId is omitted, the driver creates a random 96 byte KMIP
      Secret Data managed object.
    - `endpoint` (string): Optional. Host with optional
       port, e.g. "example.vault.azure.net:".
  • key_alt_names (optional): An optional list of string alternate names used to reference a key. If a key is created with alternate names, then encryption may refer to the key by the unique alternate name instead of by key_id. The following example shows creating and referring to a data key by alternate name:

    client_encryption.create_data_key("local", keyAltNames=["name1"])
    # reference the key with the alternate name
    client_encryption.encrypt("457-55-5462", keyAltName="name1",
  • key_material (optional): Sets the custom key material to be used by the data key for encryption and decryption.


The _id of the created data key document as a Binary with subtype UUID_SUBTYPE.

Changed in version 4.2: Added the key_material parameter.

decrypt(value: bson.binary.Binary) Any

Decrypt an encrypted value.

  • value (Binary): The encrypted value, a Binary with subtype 6.


The decrypted BSON value.

delete_key(id: bson.binary.Binary) pymongo.results.DeleteResult

Delete a key document in the key vault collection that has the given key_id.


The delete result.

New in version 4.2.

encrypt(value: Any, algorithm: str, key_id: Optional[bson.binary.Binary] = None, key_alt_name: Optional[str] = None, query_type: Optional[str] = None, contention_factor: Optional[int] = None) bson.binary.Binary

Encrypt a BSON value with a given key and algorithm.

Note that exactly one of key_id or key_alt_name must be provided.

  • value: The BSON value to encrypt.

  • algorithm (string): The encryption algorithm to use. See Algorithm for some valid options.

  • key_id: Identifies a data key by _id which must be a Binary with subtype 4 ( UUID_SUBTYPE).

  • key_alt_name: Identifies a key vault document by ‘keyAltName’.

  • query_type (str): (BETA) The query type to execute. See QueryType for valid options.

  • contention_factor (int): (BETA) The contention factor to use when the algorithm is Algorithm.INDEXED. An integer value must be given when the Algorithm.INDEXED algorithm is used.


query_type and contention_factor are part of the Queryable Encryption beta. Backwards-breaking changes may be made before the final release.


The encrypted value, a Binary with subtype 6.

Changed in version 4.2: Added the query_type and contention_factor parameters.

get_key(id: bson.binary.Binary) Optional[bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument]

Get a data key by id.


The key document.

New in version 4.2.

get_key_by_alt_name(key_alt_name: str) Optional[bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument]

Get a key document in the key vault collection that has the given key_alt_name.

  • key_alt_name: (str): The key alternate name of the key to get.


The key document.

New in version 4.2.

get_keys() pymongo.cursor.Cursor[bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument]

Get all of the data keys.


An instance of Cursor over the data key documents.

New in version 4.2.

remove_key_alt_name(id: bson.binary.Binary, key_alt_name: str) Optional[bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument]

Remove key_alt_name from the set of keyAltNames in the key document with UUID id.

Also removes the keyAltNames field from the key document if it would otherwise be empty.

  • id: The UUID of a key a which must be a Binary with subtype 4 ( UUID_SUBTYPE).

  • key_alt_name: The key alternate name to remove.


Returns the previous version of the key document.

New in version 4.2.

rewrap_many_data_key(filter: Mapping[str, Any], provider: Optional[str] = None, master_key: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) pymongo.encryption.RewrapManyDataKeyResult

Decrypts and encrypts all matching data keys in the key vault with a possibly new master_key value.

  • filter: A document used to filter the data keys.

  • provider: The new KMS provider to use to encrypt the data keys, or None to use the current KMS provider(s).

  • master_key: The master key fields corresponding to the new KMS provider when provider is not None.


A RewrapManyDataKeyResult.

New in version 4.2.

class pymongo.encryption.QueryType(value)

(BETA) An enum that defines the supported values for explicit encryption query_type.


Support for Queryable Encryption is in beta. Backwards-breaking changes may be made before the final release.

New in version 4.2.

EQUALITY = 'equality'

Used to encrypt a value for an equality query.

class pymongo.encryption.RewrapManyDataKeyResult(bulk_write_result: Optional[pymongo.results.BulkWriteResult] = None)

Result object returned by a rewrap_many_data_key() operation.

New in version 4.2.

property bulk_write_result: Optional[pymongo.results.BulkWriteResult]

The result of the bulk write operation used to update the key vault collection with one or more rewrapped data keys. If rewrap_many_data_key() does not find any matching keys to rewrap, no bulk write operation will be executed and this field will be None.