collection – Collection level operations


This API is currently in beta, meaning the classes, methods, and behaviors described within may change before the full release. If you come across any bugs during your use of this API, please file a Jira ticket in the “Python Driver” project at

Collection level utilities for Mongo.

class pymongo.asynchronous.collection.ReturnDocument

An enum used with find_one_and_replace() and find_one_and_update().

class pymongo.asynchronous.collection.AsyncCollection(database, name, create=False, **kwargs)

Get / create an asynchronous Mongo collection.

Raises TypeError if name is not an instance of str. Raises InvalidName if name is not a valid collection name. Any additional keyword arguments will be used as options passed to the create command. See create_collection() for valid options.

If create is True, collation is specified, or any additional keyword arguments are present, a create command will be sent, using session if specified. Otherwise, a create command will not be sent and the collection will be created implicitly on first use. The optional session argument is only used for the create command, it is not associated with the collection afterward.

  • database (AsyncDatabase[_DocumentType]) – the database to get a collection from

  • name (str) – the name of the collection to get

  • create (Optional[bool]) – Not supported by AsyncCollection.

  • codec_options (Optional[CodecOptions[_DocumentTypeArg]]) – An instance of CodecOptions. If None (the default) database.codec_options is used.

  • read_preference (Optional[_ServerMode]) – The read preference to use. If None (the default) database.read_preference is used.

  • write_concern (Optional[WriteConcern]) – An instance of WriteConcern. If None (the default) database.write_concern is used.

  • read_concern (Optional[ReadConcern]) – An instance of ReadConcern. If None (the default) database.read_concern is used.

  • collation – An instance of Collation. If a collation is provided, it will be passed to the create collection command.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – Not supported by AsyncCollection.

  • kwargs (Any) – Not supported by AsyncCollection.

Changed in version 4.2: Added the clusteredIndex and encryptedFields parameters.

Changed in version 4.0: Removed the reindex, map_reduce, inline_map_reduce, parallel_scan, initialize_unordered_bulk_op, initialize_ordered_bulk_op, group, count, insert, save, update, remove, find_and_modify, and ensure_index methods. See the PyMongo 4 Migration Guide.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Support the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Added the read_concern option.

Changed in version 3.0: Added the codec_options, read_preference, and write_concern options. Removed the uuid_subtype attribute. AsyncCollection no longer returns an instance of AsyncCollection for attribute names with leading underscores. You must use dict-style lookups instead::




See also

The MongoDB documentation on collections.

c[name] ||

Get the name sub-collection of AsyncCollection c.

Raises InvalidName if an invalid collection name is used.


The full name of this AsyncCollection.

The full name is of the form database_name.collection_name.


The name of this AsyncCollection.


The AsyncDatabase that this AsyncCollection is a part of.


Read only access to the CodecOptions of this instance.


Read only access to the read preference of this instance.

Changed in version 3.0: The read_preference attribute is now read only.


Read only access to the WriteConcern of this instance.

Changed in version 3.0: The write_concern attribute is now read only.


Read only access to the ReadConcern of this instance.

Added in version 3.2.

with_options(codec_options: None = None, read_preference: _ServerMode | None = None, write_concern: WriteConcern | None = None, read_concern: ReadConcern | None = None) AsyncCollection[_DocumentType]
with_options(codec_options: bson.CodecOptions[_DocumentTypeArg], read_preference: _ServerMode | None = None, write_concern: WriteConcern | None = None, read_concern: ReadConcern | None = None) AsyncCollection[_DocumentTypeArg]

Get a clone of this collection changing the specified settings.

>>> coll1.read_preference
>>> from pymongo import ReadPreference
>>> coll2 = coll1.with_options(read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY)
>>> coll1.read_preference
>>> coll2.read_preference
async bulk_write(requests, ordered=True, bypass_document_validation=False, session=None, comment=None, let=None)

Send a batch of write operations to the server.

Requests are passed as a list of write operation instances ( InsertOne, UpdateOne, UpdateMany, ReplaceOne, DeleteOne, or DeleteMany).

>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f62e60fba5226811f634ef')}
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f62e60fba5226811f634f0')}
>>> # DeleteMany, UpdateOne, and UpdateMany are also available.
>>> from pymongo import InsertOne, DeleteOne, ReplaceOne
>>> requests = [InsertOne({'y': 1}), DeleteOne({'x': 1}),
...             ReplaceOne({'w': 1}, {'z': 1}, upsert=True)]
>>> result = await db.test.bulk_write(requests)
>>> result.inserted_count
>>> result.deleted_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> result.upserted_ids
{2: ObjectId('54f62ee28891e756a6e1abd5')}
>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f62e60fba5226811f634f0')}
{'y': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f62ee2fba5226811f634f1')}
{'z': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f62ee28891e756a6e1abd5')}
  • requests (Sequence[_WriteOp[_DocumentType]]) – A list of write operations (see examples above).

  • ordered (bool) – If True (the default) requests will be performed on the server serially, in the order provided. If an error occurs all remaining operations are aborted. If False requests will be performed on the server in arbitrary order, possibly in parallel, and all operations will be attempted.

  • bypass_document_validation (bool) – (optional) If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • let (Optional[Mapping]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).


An instance of BulkWriteResult.

Return type:



bypass_document_validation requires server version >= 3.2

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter. Added let parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support

Added in version 3.0.

async insert_one(document, bypass_document_validation=False, session=None, comment=None)

Insert a single document.

>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
>>> result = await db.test.insert_one({'x': 1})
>>> result.inserted_id
>>> await db.test.find_one({'x': 1})
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f112defba522406c9cc208')}
  • document (Union[_DocumentType, RawBSONDocument]) – The document to insert. Must be a mutable mapping type. If the document does not have an _id field one will be added automatically.

  • bypass_document_validation (bool) – (optional) If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


Return type:



bypass_document_validation requires server version >= 3.2

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support

Added in version 3.0.

async insert_many(documents, ordered=True, bypass_document_validation=False, session=None, comment=None)

Insert an iterable of documents.

>>> await db.test.count_documents({})
>>> result = await db.test.insert_many([{'x': i} for i in range(2)])
>>> await result.inserted_ids
[ObjectId('54f113fffba522406c9cc20e'), ObjectId('54f113fffba522406c9cc20f')]
>>> await db.test.count_documents({})
  • documents (Iterable[Union[_DocumentType, RawBSONDocument]]) – A iterable of documents to insert.

  • ordered (bool) – If True (the default) documents will be inserted on the server serially, in the order provided. If an error occurs all remaining inserts are aborted. If False, documents will be inserted on the server in arbitrary order, possibly in parallel, and all document inserts will be attempted.

  • bypass_document_validation (bool) – (optional) If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


An instance of InsertManyResult.

Return type:



bypass_document_validation requires server version >= 3.2

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support

Added in version 3.0.

async replace_one(filter, replacement, upsert=False, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, sort=None, comment=None)

Replace a single document matching the filter.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f4c5befba5220aa4d6dee7')}
>>> result = await db.test.replace_one({'x': 1}, {'y': 1})
>>> result.matched_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'y': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f4c5befba5220aa4d6dee7')}

The upsert option can be used to insert a new document if a matching document does not exist.

>>> result = await db.test.replace_one({'x': 1}, {'x': 1}, True)
>>> result.matched_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> result.upserted_id
>>> await db.test.find_one({'x': 1})
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f11e5c8891e756a6e1abd4')}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to replace.

  • replacement (Mapping[str, Any]) – The new document.

  • upsert (bool) – If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter.

  • bypass_document_validation (bool) – (optional) If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – An instance of Collation.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.2 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • sort (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Specify which document the operation updates if the query matches multiple documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be updated. This option is only supported on MongoDB 8.0 and above.


Return type:


Changed in version 4.11: Added sort parameter.

Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter. Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support.

Added in version 3.0.

async update_one(filter, update, upsert=False, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None, array_filters=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, sort=None, comment=None)

Update a single document matching the filter.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find():
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}
>>> result = await db.test.update_one({'x': 1}, {'$inc': {'x': 3}})
>>> result.matched_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> async for doc in db.test.find():
...     print(doc)
{'x': 4, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}

If upsert=True and no documents match the filter, create a new document based on the filter criteria and update modifications.

>>> result = await db.test.update_one({'x': -10}, {'$inc': {'x': 3}}, upsert=True)
>>> result.matched_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> result.upserted_id
>>> await db.test.find_one(result.upserted_id)
{'_id': ObjectId('626a678eeaa80587d4bb3fb7'), 'x': -7}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to update.

  • update (Union[Mapping[str, Any], _Pipeline]) – The modifications to apply.

  • upsert (bool) – If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter.

  • bypass_document_validation (bool) – (optional) If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – An instance of Collation.

  • array_filters (Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]) – A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.2 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • sort (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Specify which document the operation updates if the query matches multiple documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be updated. This option is only supported on MongoDB 8.0 and above.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


Return type:


Changed in version 4.11: Added sort parameter.

Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter. Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.9: Added the ability to accept a pipeline as the update.

Changed in version 3.6: Added the array_filters and session parameters.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support.

Added in version 3.0.

async update_many(filter, update, upsert=False, array_filters=None, bypass_document_validation=None, collation=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, comment=None)

Update one or more documents that match the filter.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find():
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}
>>> result = await db.test.update_many({'x': 1}, {'$inc': {'x': 3}})
>>> result.matched_count
>>> result.modified_count
>>> async for doc in db.test.find():
...     print(doc)
{'x': 4, '_id': 0}
{'x': 4, '_id': 1}
{'x': 4, '_id': 2}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the documents to update.

  • update (Union[Mapping[str, Any], _Pipeline]) – The modifications to apply.

  • upsert (bool) – If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter.

  • bypass_document_validation (Optional[bool]) – If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – An instance of Collation.

  • array_filters (Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]) – A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.2 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter. Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.9: Added the ability to accept a pipeline as the update.

Changed in version 3.6: Added array_filters and session parameters.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Added bypass_document_validation support.

Added in version 3.0.

async delete_one(filter, collation=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, comment=None)

Delete a single document matching the filter.

>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
>>> result = await db.test.delete_one({'x': 1})
>>> result.deleted_count
>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to delete.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – An instance of Collation.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter. Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Added in version 3.0.

async delete_many(filter, collation=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, comment=None)

Delete one or more documents matching the filter.

>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
>>> result = await db.test.delete_many({'x': 1})
>>> result.deleted_count
>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the documents to delete.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – An instance of Collation.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.


Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter. Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Added in version 3.0.

async aggregate(pipeline, session=None, let=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Perform an aggregation using the aggregation framework on this collection.

The aggregate() method obeys the read_preference of this AsyncCollection, except when $out or $merge are used on MongoDB <5.0, in which case PRIMARY is used.


This method does not support the ‘explain’ option. Please use PyMongoExplain instead. An example is included in the Aggregation Framework documentation.


The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

  • pipeline (_Pipeline) – a list of aggregation pipeline stages

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – A dict of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var"). This option is only supported on MongoDB >= 5.0.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – extra aggregate command parameters.

Return type:


All optional aggregate command parameters should be passed as keyword arguments to this method. Valid options include, but are not limited to:

  • allowDiskUse (bool): Enables writing to temporary files. When set to True, aggregation stages can write data to the _tmp subdirectory of the –dbpath directory. The default is False.

  • maxTimeMS (int): The maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run in milliseconds.

  • batchSize (int): The maximum number of documents to return per batch. Ignored if the connected mongod or mongos does not support returning aggregate results using a cursor.

  • collation (optional): An instance of Collation.


A AsyncCommandCursor over the result set.

  • pipeline (_Pipeline)

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession])

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]])

  • comment (Optional[Any])

  • kwargs (Any)

Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter. Added let parameter. Support $merge and $out executing on secondaries according to the collection’s read_preference.

Changed in version 4.0: Removed the useCursor option.

Changed in version 3.9: Apply this collection’s read concern to pipelines containing the $out stage when connected to MongoDB >= 4.2. Added support for the $merge pipeline stage. Aggregations that write always use read preference PRIMARY.

Changed in version 3.6: Added the session parameter. Added the maxAwaitTimeMS option. Deprecated the useCursor option.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4. Support the collation option.

Changed in version 3.0: The aggregate() method always returns an AsyncCommandCursor. The pipeline argument must be a list.

async aggregate_raw_batches(pipeline, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Perform an aggregation and retrieve batches of raw BSON.

Similar to the aggregate() method but returns a AsyncRawBatchCursor.

This example demonstrates how to work with raw batches, but in practice raw batches should be passed to an external library that can decode BSON into another data type, rather than used with PyMongo’s bson module.

>>> import bson
>>> cursor = await db.test.aggregate_raw_batches([
...     {'$project': {'x': {'$multiply': [2, '$x']}}}])
>>> async for batch in cursor:
...     print(bson.decode_all(batch))


aggregate_raw_batches does not support auto encryption.

Changed in version 3.12: Added session support.

Added in version 3.6.

  • pipeline (_Pipeline)

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession])

  • comment (Optional[Any])

  • kwargs (Any)

Return type:


async watch(pipeline=None, full_document=None, resume_after=None, max_await_time_ms=None, batch_size=None, collation=None, start_at_operation_time=None, session=None, start_after=None, comment=None, full_document_before_change=None, show_expanded_events=None)

Watch changes on this collection.

Performs an aggregation with an implicit initial $changeStream stage and returns a AsyncCollectionChangeStream cursor which iterates over changes on this collection.

async with await as stream:
    async for change in stream:

The AsyncCollectionChangeStream iterable blocks until the next change document is returned or an error is raised. If the next() method encounters a network error when retrieving a batch from the server, it will automatically attempt to recreate the cursor such that no change events are missed. Any error encountered during the resume attempt indicates there may be an outage and will be raised.

    async with await[{"$match": {"operationType": "insert"}}]) as stream:
        async for insert_change in stream:
except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError:
    # The AsyncChangeStream encountered an unrecoverable error or the
    # resume attempt failed to recreate the cursor.

For a precise description of the resume process see the change streams specification.


Using this helper method is preferred to directly calling aggregate() with a $changeStream stage, for the purpose of supporting resumability.


This AsyncCollection’s read_concern must be ReadConcern("majority") in order to use the $changeStream stage.

  • pipeline (Optional[_Pipeline]) – A list of aggregation pipeline stages to append to an initial $changeStream stage. Not all pipeline stages are valid after a $changeStream stage, see the MongoDB documentation on change streams for the supported stages.

  • full_document (Optional[str]) – The fullDocument to pass as an option to the $changeStream stage. Allowed values: ‘updateLookup’, ‘whenAvailable’, ‘required’. When set to ‘updateLookup’, the change notification for partial updates will include both a delta describing the changes to the document, as well as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after the change occurred.

  • full_document_before_change (Optional[str]) – Allowed values: ‘whenAvailable’ and ‘required’. Change events may now result in a ‘fullDocumentBeforeChange’ response field.

  • resume_after (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – A resume token. If provided, the change stream will start returning changes that occur directly after the operation specified in the resume token. A resume token is the _id value of a change document.

  • max_await_time_ms (Optional[int]) – The maximum time in milliseconds for the server to wait for changes before responding to a getMore operation.

  • batch_size (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of documents to return per batch.

  • collation (Optional[_CollationIn]) – The Collation to use for the aggregation.

  • start_at_operation_time (Optional[Timestamp]) – If provided, the resulting change stream will only return changes that occurred at or after the specified Timestamp. Requires MongoDB >= 4.0.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • start_after (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – The same as resume_after except that start_after can resume notifications after an invalidate event. This option and resume_after are mutually exclusive.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • show_expanded_events (Optional[bool]) – Include expanded events such as DDL events like dropIndexes.


A AsyncCollectionChangeStream cursor.

Return type:


Changed in version 4.3: Added show_expanded_events parameter.

Changed in version 4.2: Added full_document_before_change parameter.

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.9: Added the start_after parameter.

Changed in version 3.7: Added the start_at_operation_time parameter.

Added in version 3.6.

See also

The MongoDB documentation on changeStreams.

find(filter=None, projection=None, skip=0, limit=0, no_cursor_timeout=False, cursor_type=CursorType.NON_TAILABLE, sort=None, allow_partial_results=False, oplog_replay=False, batch_size=0, collation=None, hint=None, max_scan=None, max_time_ms=None, max=None, min=None, return_key=False, show_record_id=False, snapshot=False, comment=None, session=None, allow_disk_use=None)

Query the database.

The filter argument is a query document that all results must match. For example:

>>> db.test.find({"hello": "world"})

only matches documents that have a key “hello” with value “world”. Matches can have other keys in addition to “hello”. The projection argument is used to specify a subset of fields that should be included in the result documents. By limiting results to a certain subset of fields you can cut down on network traffic and decoding time.

Raises TypeError if any of the arguments are of improper type. Returns an instance of AsyncCursor corresponding to this query.

The find() method obeys the read_preference of this AsyncCollection.

  • filter – A query document that selects which documents to include in the result set. Can be an empty document to include all documents.

  • projection – a list of field names that should be returned in the result set or a dict specifying the fields to include or exclude. If projection is a list “_id” will always be returned. Use a dict to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={‘_id’: False}).

  • session – a AsyncClientSession.

  • skip – the number of documents to omit (from the start of the result set) when returning the results

  • limit – the maximum number of results to return. A limit of 0 (the default) is equivalent to setting no limit.

  • no_cursor_timeout – if False (the default), any returned cursor is closed by the server after 10 minutes of inactivity. If set to True, the returned cursor will never time out on the server. Care should be taken to ensure that cursors with no_cursor_timeout turned on are properly closed.

  • cursor_type

    the type of cursor to return. The valid options are defined by CursorType:

    • NON_TAILABLE - the result of this find call will return a standard cursor over the result set.

    • TAILABLE - the result of this find call will be a tailable cursor - tailable cursors are only for use with capped collections. They are not closed when the last data is retrieved but are kept open and the cursor location marks the final document position. If more data is received iteration of the cursor will continue from the last document received. For details, see the tailable cursor documentation.

    • TAILABLE_AWAIT - the result of this find call will be a tailable cursor with the await flag set. The server will wait for a few seconds after returning the full result set so that it can capture and return additional data added during the query.

    • EXHAUST - the result of this find call will be an exhaust cursor. MongoDB will stream batched results to the client without waiting for the client to request each batch, reducing latency. See notes on compatibility below.

  • sort – a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for this query. See sort() for details.

  • allow_partial_results – if True, mongos will return partial results if some shards are down instead of returning an error.

  • oplog_replayDEPRECATED - if True, set the oplogReplay query flag. Default: False.

  • batch_size – Limits the number of documents returned in a single batch.

  • collation – An instance of Collation.

  • return_key – If True, return only the index keys in each document.

  • show_record_id – If True, adds a field $recordId in each document with the storage engine’s internal record identifier.

  • snapshotDEPRECATED - If True, prevents the cursor from returning a document more than once because of an intervening write operation.

  • hint – An index, in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). Pass this as an alternative to calling hint() on the cursor to tell Mongo the proper index to use for the query.

  • max_time_ms – Specifies a time limit for a query operation. If the specified time is exceeded, the operation will be aborted and ExecutionTimeout is raised. Pass this as an alternative to calling max_time_ms() on the cursor.

  • max_scanDEPRECATED - The maximum number of documents to scan. Pass this as an alternative to calling max_scan() on the cursor.

  • min – A list of field, limit pairs specifying the inclusive lower bound for all keys of a specific index in order. Pass this as an alternative to calling min() on the cursor. hint must also be passed to ensure the query utilizes the correct index.

  • max – A list of field, limit pairs specifying the exclusive upper bound for all keys of a specific index in order. Pass this as an alternative to calling max() on the cursor. hint must also be passed to ensure the query utilizes the correct index.

  • comment – A string to attach to the query to help interpret and trace the operation in the server logs and in profile data. Pass this as an alternative to calling comment() on the cursor.

  • allow_disk_use – if True, MongoDB may use temporary disk files to store data exceeding the system memory limit while processing a blocking sort operation. The option has no effect if MongoDB can satisfy the specified sort using an index, or if the blocking sort requires less memory than the 100 MiB limit. This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • args (Any)

  • kwargs (Any)

Return type:



There are a number of caveats to using EXHAUST as cursor_type:

  • The limit option can not be used with an exhaust cursor.

  • Exhaust cursors are not supported by mongos and can not be used with a sharded cluster.

  • A AsyncCursor instance created with the EXHAUST cursor_type requires an exclusive socket connection to MongoDB. If the AsyncCursor is discarded without being completely iterated the underlying socket connection will be closed and discarded without being returned to the connection pool.

Changed in version 4.0: Removed the modifiers option. Empty projections (eg {} or []) are passed to the server as-is, rather than the previous behavior which substituted in a projection of {"_id": 1}. This means that an empty projection will now return the entire document, not just the "_id" field.

Changed in version 3.11: Added the allow_disk_use option. Deprecated the oplog_replay option. Support for this option is deprecated in MongoDB 4.4. The query engine now automatically optimizes queries against the oplog without requiring this option to be set.

Changed in version 3.7: Deprecated the snapshot option, which is deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 and removed in MongoDB 4.0. Deprecated the max_scan option. Support for this option is deprecated in MongoDB 4.0. Use max_time_ms instead to limit server-side execution time.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.5: Added the options return_key, show_record_id, snapshot, hint, max_time_ms, max_scan, min, max, and comment. Deprecated the modifiers option.

Changed in version 3.4: Added support for the collation option.

Changed in version 3.0: Changed the parameter names spec, fields, timeout, and partial to filter, projection, no_cursor_timeout, and allow_partial_results respectively. Added the cursor_type, oplog_replay, and modifiers options. Removed the network_timeout, read_preference, tag_sets, secondary_acceptable_latency_ms, max_scan, snapshot, tailable, await_data, exhaust, as_class, and slave_okay parameters. Removed compile_re option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular expressions as Regex objects. Use try_compile() to attempt to convert from a BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object. Soft deprecated the manipulate option.

See also

The MongoDB documentation on find.

find_raw_batches(filter=None, projection=None, skip=0, limit=0, no_cursor_timeout=False, cursor_type=CursorType.NON_TAILABLE, sort=None, allow_partial_results=False, oplog_replay=False, batch_size=0, collation=None, hint=None, max_scan=None, max_time_ms=None, max=None, min=None, return_key=False, show_record_id=False, snapshot=False, comment=None, session=None, allow_disk_use=None)

Query the database and retrieve batches of raw BSON.

Similar to the find() method but returns a AsyncRawBatchCursor.

This example demonstrates how to work with raw batches, but in practice raw batches should be passed to an external library that can decode BSON into another data type, rather than used with PyMongo’s bson module.

>>> import bson
>>> cursor = db.test.find_raw_batches()
>>> async for batch in cursor:
...     print(bson.decode_all(batch))


find_raw_batches does not support auto encryption.

Changed in version 3.12: Instead of ignoring the user-specified read concern, this method now sends it to the server when connected to MongoDB 3.6+.

Added session support.

Added in version 3.6.

Return type:


async find_one(filter=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a single document from the database.

All arguments to find() are also valid arguments for find_one(), although any limit argument will be ignored. Returns a single document, or None if no matching document is found.

The find_one() method obeys the read_preference of this AsyncCollection.

  • filter (Any | None) – a dictionary specifying the query to be performed OR any other type to be used as the value for a query for "_id".

  • args (Any) – any additional positional arguments are the same as the arguments to find().

  • kwargs (Any) –

    any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to find().

    :: code-block: python

    >>> await collection.find_one(max_time_ms=100)

Return type:

_DocumentType | None

async find_one_and_delete(filter, projection=None, sort=None, hint=None, session=None, let=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Finds a single document and deletes it, returning the document.

>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})
>>> await db.test.find_one_and_delete({'x': 1})
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('54f4e12bfba5220aa4d6dee8')}
>>> await db.test.count_documents({'x': 1})

If multiple documents match filter, a sort can be applied.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find({'x': 1}):
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}
>>> await db.test.find_one_and_delete(
...     {'x': 1}, sort=[('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)])
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}

The projection option can be used to limit the fields returned.

>>> await db.test.find_one_and_delete({'x': 1}, projection={'_id': False})
{'x': 1}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to delete.

  • projection (Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[str]]]) – a list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If projection is a list “_id” will always be returned. Use a mapping to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={‘_id’: False}).

  • sort (Optional[_IndexList]) – a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is deleted.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).

Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added hint parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.2: Respects write concern.


Starting in PyMongo 3.2, this command uses the WriteConcern of this AsyncCollection when connected to MongoDB >= 3.2. Note that using an elevated write concern with this command may be slower compared to using the default write concern.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Added in version 3.0.

async find_one_and_replace(filter, replacement, projection=None, sort=None, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, hint=None, session=None, **kwargs)

Finds a single document and replaces it, returning either the original or the replaced document.

The find_one_and_replace() method differs from find_one_and_update() by replacing the document matched by filter, rather than modifying the existing document.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'x': 1, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}
>>> await db.test.find_one_and_replace({'x': 1}, {'y': 1})
{'x': 1, '_id': 0}
>>> async for doc in db.test.find({}):
...     print(doc)
{'y': 1, '_id': 0}
{'x': 1, '_id': 1}
{'x': 1, '_id': 2}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to replace.

  • replacement (Mapping[str, Any]) – The replacement document.

  • projection (Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[str]]]) – A list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If projection is a list “_id” will always be returned. Use a mapping to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={‘_id’: False}).

  • sort (Optional[_IndexList]) – a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is replaced.

  • upsert (bool) – When True, inserts a new document if no document matches the query. Defaults to False.

  • return_document (bool) – If ReturnDocument.BEFORE (the default), returns the original document before it was replaced, or None if no document matches. If ReturnDocument.AFTER, returns the replaced or inserted document.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).

Return type:


Changed in version 4.1: Added let parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added the hint option.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Respects write concern.


Starting in PyMongo 3.2, this command uses the WriteConcern of this AsyncCollection when connected to MongoDB >= 3.2. Note that using an elevated write concern with this command may be slower compared to using the default write concern.

Added in version 3.0.

async find_one_and_update(filter, update, projection=None, sort=None, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, array_filters=None, hint=None, session=None, **kwargs)

Finds a single document and updates it, returning either the original or the updated document.

>>> await db.test.find_one_and_update(
...    {'_id': 665}, {'$inc': {'count': 1}, '$set': {'done': True}})
{'_id': 665, 'done': False, 'count': 25}}

Returns None if no document matches the filter.

>>> await db.test.find_one_and_update(
...    {'_exists': False}, {'$inc': {'count': 1}})

When the filter matches, by default find_one_and_update() returns the original version of the document before the update was applied. To return the updated (or inserted in the case of upsert) version of the document instead, use the return_document option.

>>> from pymongo import ReturnDocument
>>> await db.example.find_one_and_update(
...     {'_id': 'userid'},
...     {'$inc': {'seq': 1}},
...     return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER)
{'_id': 'userid', 'seq': 1}

You can limit the fields returned with the projection option.

>>> await db.example.find_one_and_update(
...     {'_id': 'userid'},
...     {'$inc': {'seq': 1}},
...     projection={'seq': True, '_id': False},
...     return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER)
{'seq': 2}

The upsert option can be used to create the document if it doesn’t already exist.

>>> (await db.example.delete_many({})).deleted_count
>>> await db.example.find_one_and_update(
...     {'_id': 'userid'},
...     {'$inc': {'seq': 1}},
...     projection={'seq': True, '_id': False},
...     upsert=True,
...     return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER)
{'seq': 1}

If multiple documents match filter, a sort can be applied.

>>> async for doc in db.test.find({'done': True}):
...     print(doc)
{'_id': 665, 'done': True, 'result': {'count': 26}}
{'_id': 701, 'done': True, 'result': {'count': 17}}
>>> await db.test.find_one_and_update(
...     {'done': True},
...     {'$set': {'final': True}},
...     sort=[('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)])
{'_id': 701, 'done': True, 'result': {'count': 17}}
  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query that matches the document to update.

  • update (Union[Mapping[str, Any], _Pipeline]) – The update operations to apply.

  • projection (Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[str]]]) – A list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If projection is a list “_id” will always be returned. Use a dict to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={‘_id’: False}).

  • sort (Optional[_IndexList]) – a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is updated.

  • upsert (bool) – When True, inserts a new document if no document matches the query. Defaults to False.

  • return_document (bool) – If ReturnDocument.BEFORE (the default), returns the original document before it was updated. If ReturnDocument.AFTER, returns the updated or inserted document.

  • array_filters (Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]) – A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply.

  • hint (Optional[_IndexKeyHint]) – An index to use to support the query predicate specified either by its string name, or in the same format as passed to create_index() (e.g. [('field', ASCENDING)]). This option is only supported on MongoDB 4.4 and above.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • let (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. “$$var”).

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).

Return type:


Changed in version 3.11: Added the hint option.

Changed in version 3.9: Added the ability to accept a pipeline as the update.

Changed in version 3.6: Added the array_filters and session options.

Changed in version 3.4: Added the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Respects write concern.


Starting in PyMongo 3.2, this command uses the WriteConcern of this AsyncCollection when connected to MongoDB >= 3.2. Note that using an elevated write concern with this command may be slower compared to using the default write concern.

Added in version 3.0.

async count_documents(filter, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Count the number of documents in this collection.


For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimated_document_count().

The count_documents() method is supported in a transaction.

All optional parameters should be passed as keyword arguments to this method. Valid options include:

  • skip (int): The number of matching documents to skip before returning results.

  • limit (int): The maximum number of documents to count. Must be a positive integer. If not provided, no limit is imposed.

  • maxTimeMS (int): The maximum amount of time to allow this operation to run, in milliseconds.

  • collation (optional): An instance of Collation.

  • hint (string or list of tuples): The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index specification as a list of tuples (e.g. [(‘a’, pymongo.ASCENDING), (‘b’, pymongo.ASCENDING)]).

The count_documents() method obeys the read_preference of this AsyncCollection.


When migrating from count() to count_documents() the following query operators must be replaced:






$geoWithin with $center


$geoWithin with $centerSphere

  • filter (Mapping[str, Any]) – A query document that selects which documents to count in the collection. Can be an empty document to count all documents.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – See list of options above.

Return type:


Added in version 3.7.

async estimated_document_count(comment=None, **kwargs)

Get an estimate of the number of documents in this collection using collection metadata.

The estimated_document_count() method is not supported in a transaction.

All optional parameters should be passed as keyword arguments to this method. Valid options include:

  • maxTimeMS (int): The maximum amount of time to allow this operation to run, in milliseconds.

  • comment (Any | None) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – See list of options above.

Return type:


Changed in version 4.2: This method now always uses the count command. Due to an oversight in versions 5.0.0-5.0.8 of MongoDB, the count command was not included in V1 of the MongoDB Stable API. Users of the Stable API with estimated_document_count are recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.9+ or set pymongo.server_api.ServerApi.strict to False to avoid encountering errors.

Added in version 3.7.

async distinct(key, filter=None, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Get a list of distinct values for key among all documents in this collection.

Raises TypeError if key is not an instance of str.

All optional distinct parameters should be passed as keyword arguments to this method. Valid options include:

  • maxTimeMS (int): The maximum amount of time to allow the count command to run, in milliseconds.

  • collation (optional): An instance of Collation.

The distinct() method obeys the read_preference of this AsyncCollection.

  • key (str) – name of the field for which we want to get the distinct values

  • filter (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – A query document that specifies the documents from which to retrieve the distinct values.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – See list of options above.

Return type:


Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Support the collation option.

async create_index(keys, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Creates an index on this collection.

Takes either a single key or a list containing (key, direction) pairs or keys. If no direction is given, ASCENDING will be assumed. The key(s) must be an instance of str and the direction(s) must be one of (ASCENDING, DESCENDING, GEO2D, GEOSPHERE, HASHED, TEXT).

To create a single key ascending index on the key 'mike' we just use a string argument:

>>> await my_collection.create_index("mike")

For a compound index on 'mike' descending and 'eliot' ascending we need to use a list of tuples:

>>> await my_collection.create_index([("mike", pymongo.DESCENDING),
...                             "eliot"])

All optional index creation parameters should be passed as keyword arguments to this method. For example:

>>> await my_collection.create_index([("mike", pymongo.DESCENDING)],
...                            background=True)

Valid options include, but are not limited to:

  • name: custom name to use for this index - if none is given, a name will be generated.

  • unique: if True, creates a uniqueness constraint on the index.

  • background: if True, this index should be created in the background.

  • sparse: if True, omit from the index any documents that lack the indexed field.

  • bucketSize: for use with geoHaystack indexes. Number of documents to group together within a certain proximity to a given longitude and latitude.

  • min: minimum value for keys in a GEO2D index.

  • max: maximum value for keys in a GEO2D index.

  • expireAfterSeconds: <int> Used to create an expiring (TTL) collection. MongoDB will automatically delete documents from this collection after <int> seconds. The indexed field must be a UTC datetime or the data will not expire.

  • partialFilterExpression: A document that specifies a filter for a partial index.

  • collation (optional): An instance of Collation.

  • wildcardProjection: Allows users to include or exclude specific field paths from a wildcard index using the {“$**” : 1} key pattern. Requires MongoDB >= 4.2.

  • hidden: if True, this index will be hidden from the query planner and will not be evaluated as part of query plan selection. Requires MongoDB >= 4.4.

See the MongoDB documentation for a full list of supported options by server version.


dropDups is not supported by MongoDB 3.0 or newer. The option is silently ignored by the server and unique index builds using the option will fail if a duplicate value is detected.


The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

  • keys (_IndexKeyHint) – a single key or a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the index to create

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – any additional index creation options (see the above list) should be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:


Changed in version 4.4: Allow passing a list containing (key, direction) pairs or keys for the keys parameter.

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.11: Added the hidden option.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter. Added support for passing maxTimeMS in kwargs.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4. Support the collation option.

Changed in version 3.2: Added partialFilterExpression to support partial indexes.

Changed in version 3.0: Renamed key_or_list to keys. Removed the cache_for option. create_index() no longer caches index names. Removed support for the drop_dups and bucket_size aliases.

See also

The MongoDB documentation on indexes.

async create_indexes(indexes, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Create one or more indexes on this collection.

>>> from pymongo import IndexModel, ASCENDING, DESCENDING
>>> index1 = IndexModel([("hello", DESCENDING),
...                      ("world", ASCENDING)], name="hello_world")
>>> index2 = IndexModel([("goodbye", DESCENDING)])
>>> await db.test.create_indexes([index1, index2])
["hello_world", "goodbye_-1"]
  • indexes (Sequence[IndexModel]) – A list of IndexModel instances.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the createIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter. Added support for arbitrary keyword arguments.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4.

Added in version 3.0.

async drop_index(index_or_name, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Drops the specified index on this collection.

Can be used on non-existent collections or collections with no indexes. Raises OperationFailure on an error (e.g. trying to drop an index that does not exist). index_or_name can be either an index name (as returned by create_index), or an index specifier (as passed to create_index). An index specifier should be a list of (key, direction) pairs. Raises TypeError if index is not an instance of (str, unicode, list).


if a custom name was used on index creation (by passing the name parameter to create_index()) the index must be dropped by name.

  • index_or_name (_IndexKeyHint) – index (or name of index) to drop

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the createIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter. Added support for arbitrary keyword arguments.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4.

async drop_indexes(session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Drops all indexes on this collection.

Can be used on non-existent collections or collections with no indexes. Raises OperationFailure on an error.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the createIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter. Added support for arbitrary keyword arguments.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4.

async list_indexes(session=None, comment=None)

Get a cursor over the index documents for this collection.

>>> async for index in await db.test.list_indexes():
...     print(index)
SON([('v', 2), ('key', SON([('_id', 1)])), ('name', '_id_')])

An instance of AsyncCommandCursor.

Return type:

AsyncCommandCursor[MutableMapping[str, Any]]

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Added in version 3.0.

async index_information(session=None, comment=None)

Get information on this collection’s indexes.

Returns a dictionary where the keys are index names (as returned by create_index()) and the values are dictionaries containing information about each index. The dictionary is guaranteed to contain at least a single key, "key" which is a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the index (as passed to create_index()). It will also contain any other metadata about the indexes, except for the "ns" and "name" keys, which are cleaned. Example output might look like this:

>>> await db.test.create_index("x", unique=True)
>>> await db.test.index_information()
{'_id_': {'key': [('_id', 1)]},
 'x_1': {'unique': True, 'key': [('x', 1)]}}
Return type:

MutableMapping[str, Any]

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

async create_search_index(model, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Create a single search index for the current collection.

  • model (Union[Mapping[str, Any], SearchIndexModel]) – The model for the new search index. It can be given as a SearchIndexModel instance or a dictionary with a model “definition” and optional “name”.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Any) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the createSearchIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.


The name of the new search index.

Return type:



requires a MongoDB server version 7.0+ Atlas cluster.

Added in version 4.5.

async create_search_indexes(models, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Create multiple search indexes for the current collection.


A list of the newly created search index names.

Return type:



requires a MongoDB server version 7.0+ Atlas cluster.

Added in version 4.5.

async drop_search_index(name, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Delete a search index by index name.

  • name (str) – The name of the search index to be deleted.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the dropSearchIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



requires a MongoDB server version 7.0+ Atlas cluster.

Added in version 4.5.

async list_search_indexes(name=None, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Return a cursor over search indexes for the current collection.

  • name (Optional[str]) – If given, the name of the index to search for. Only indexes with matching index names will be returned. If not given, all search indexes for the current collection will be returned.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any)


A AsyncCommandCursor over the result set.

Return type:

AsyncCommandCursor[Mapping[str, Any]]


requires a MongoDB server version 7.0+ Atlas cluster.

Added in version 4.5.

async update_search_index(name, definition, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Update a search index by replacing the existing index definition with the provided definition.

  • name (str) – The name of the search index to be updated.

  • definition (Mapping[str, Any]) – The new search index definition.

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – optional arguments to the updateSearchIndexes command (like maxTimeMS) can be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



requires a MongoDB server version 7.0+ Atlas cluster.

Added in version 4.5.

async drop(session=None, comment=None, encrypted_fields=None)

Alias for drop_collection().

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • encrypted_fields (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – (BETA) Document that describes the encrypted fields for Queryable Encryption.

Return type:


The following two calls are equivalent:

>>> await
>>> await db.drop_collection("foo")

Changed in version 4.2: Added encrypted_fields parameter.

Changed in version 4.1: Added comment parameter.

Changed in version 3.7: drop() now respects this AsyncCollection’s write_concern.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

async rename(new_name, session=None, comment=None, **kwargs)

Rename this collection.

If operating in auth mode, client must be authorized as an admin to perform this operation. Raises TypeError if new_name is not an instance of str. Raises InvalidName if new_name is not a valid collection name.

  • new_name (str) – new name for this collection

  • session (Optional[AsyncClientSession]) – a AsyncClientSession.

  • comment (Optional[Any]) – A user-provided comment to attach to this command.

  • kwargs (Any) – additional arguments to the rename command may be passed as keyword arguments to this helper method (i.e. dropTarget=True)

Return type:

MutableMapping[str, Any]


The write_concern of this collection is automatically applied to this operation.

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.

Changed in version 3.4: Apply this collection’s write concern automatically to this operation when connected to MongoDB >= 3.4.

async options(session=None, comment=None)

Get the options set on this collection.

Returns a dictionary of options and their values - see create_collection() for more information on the possible options. Returns an empty dictionary if the collection has not been created yet.

Return type:

MutableMapping[str, Any]

Changed in version 3.6: Added session parameter.


name (str)

Return type:



Get a sub-collection of this collection by name.

Raises InvalidName if an invalid collection name is used.


name (str) – the name of the collection to get

Return type:
