| | |
| b | |
bson |
BSON (Binary JSON) Encoding and Decoding |
bson.binary |
Tools for representing binary data to be stored in MongoDB |
bson.code |
Tools for representing JavaScript code |
bson.codec_options |
Tools for specifying BSON codec options. |
bson.datetime_ms |
Support for BSON UTC datetimes. |
bson.dbref |
Tools for manipulating DBRefs (references to documents stored in MongoDB) |
bson.decimal128 |
bson.errors |
Exceptions raised by the bson package |
bson.int64 |
Tools for representing BSON int64 |
bson.json_util |
Tools for using Python's json module with BSON documents |
bson.max_key |
Representation for the MongoDB internal MaxKey type |
bson.min_key |
Representation for the MongoDB internal MinKey type |
bson.objectid |
Tools for working with MongoDB ObjectIds |
bson.raw_bson |
Tools for representing raw BSON documents. |
bson.regex |
Tools for representing MongoDB regular expressions |
bson.son |
Tools for working with SON, an ordered mapping |
bson.timestamp |
Tools for representing MongoDB internal Timestamps |
bson.tz_util |
Utilities for dealing with timezones in Python |
| | |
| g | |
gridfs |
Tools for working with GridFS |
gridfs.errors |
Exceptions raised by the gridfs package |
gridfs.grid_file |
Tools for representing files stored in GridFS |
| | |
| p | |
pymongo |
Python driver for MongoDB |
pymongo.asynchronous |
Asynchronous Python driver for MongoDB |
pymongo.asynchronous.change_stream |
pymongo.asynchronous.client_session |
pymongo.asynchronous.collection |
Collection level operations |
pymongo.asynchronous.command_cursor |
Tools for iterating over MongoDB command results |
pymongo.asynchronous.cursor |
Tools for iterating over MongoDB query results |
pymongo.asynchronous.database |
Database level operations |
pymongo.asynchronous.mongo_client |
Tools for connecting to MongoDB |
pymongo.auth_oidc |
pymongo.change_stream |
pymongo.client_options |
pymongo.client_session |
pymongo.collation |
Tools for working with collations. |
pymongo.collection |
Collection level operations |
pymongo.command_cursor |
Tools for iterating over MongoDB command results |
pymongo.cursor |
Tools for iterating over MongoDB query results |
pymongo.database |
Database level operations |
pymongo.driver_info |
pymongo.encryption |
pymongo.encryption_options |
Support for automatic client-side field level encryption |
pymongo.errors |
Exceptions raised by the pymongo package |
pymongo.event_loggers |
A collection of simple listeners for monitoring driver events. |
pymongo.mongo_client |
Tools for connecting to MongoDB |
pymongo.monitoring |
Tools for monitoring driver events. |
pymongo.operations |
Operation class definitions |
pymongo.pool |
pymongo.read_concern |
Tools for working with read concern. |
pymongo.read_preferences |
Utilities for choosing which member of a replica set to read from. |
pymongo.results |
Result class definitions |
pymongo.server_api |
Support for MongoDB Stable API |
pymongo.server_description |
pymongo.topology_description |
pymongo.uri_parser |
Tools to parse and validate a MongoDB URI. |
pymongo.write_concern |
Tools for specifying write concern. |